Fancy Dinners, Surprises and A New Couple

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  • Dedicated to Grace Flood

a/n so I'm finally updating after like a month! so don't be mad if it sucks! but a new couple is coming into the mix so that's a yay! but is it Maryn (Marcie and Zayn) or Nimber (Amber and Niall) ? oh and BTW when I went to update, I bent down to put my shoes on and one of the chair's legs snapped, AGAIN!

Nikohl's POV

"So now that everything is all good and everything, can we finally have a normal night?" I asked the group, who was all gathered around the TV on the floor. we were watching The X Factor, and seeing Simon turn down some 14 year old because he was to inexperienced, like Liam was.

Harry was the first to look up, "Babe, that's a great idea! Lads, we need to have a group discussion type thingy, now!" all the boys groan and slowly one by one push themselves off the floor and follow Harry into the kitchen. after the boys left us girls huddled together on the floor in front of the TV to have our own little discussion.

"okay girls, there are only, Amber and me left, who haven't become couples with the boys and at least one of us needs that to happen tonight. okay?" Marcie said. we all looked at each, stifled a few giggles and then regained our composer.

"alright, well me and Niall are pretty good right now, and I don't want to rush him. I want things to be perfect in their own little way. know what I mean?" Amber questioned. we all agreed.

then Ellen said, " how are you and Zayn?" directed toward Marcie. her cheeks flushed with a rosy red color, taking that as a yes. we all agreed that whatever boy wanted to do it first was the boy that got the girl first, simple but effective.

after about 5 more minutes of watching Simon and the guest judges pass a few lucky kids on and terminate others careers, the boys came waltzing back into the room trying to hide their enormous grins and excited selves.

they sat back down with us and didn't say one word, just cuddled up with me and the girls and slowly we fell asleep...

2 In The Afternoon With Nikohl's POV Still

I awoke slowly to the noises of shuffling feet and the running up of stairs. also I felt a void, cold, empty space next to me where Haz was supposed to be...I wonder where he is? he must be one of the people rushing around the house. I crept my eyes open to take a peek at the others. the girls were all boyless and sound asleep, I guess they hadn't heard the noises. I army crawled my way over to Ellen first and shook her awake and pointed to the stairs and over the couch toward the noise. she nodded and she helped me wake the other girls, doing the same as I did to her.

we all crawled over to the edge of the couch to look over, seeing boys running about like mad men, Delilah let out a giggle causing me to slap my hand over her mouth and put a finger to my lips. I missed the center of my lips so I ended up looking like Aria from Pretty Little Liars, causing De to erupt into more giggle fits, crap.

one of the boys turns around quickly and looks over the couch just as we crawl away to the dining room table. it was Louis, this is not gonna be good. he ran back to the kitchen, shouted that we were gone, then rushed up the stairs to tell the other boys? what would they be doing upstairs anyway?

in a hushed yell  I told the girls, "Louis knows we're missing! he told the other boys! our cover is blown! what do we do?!"

De piped up first adding, "lets run to the backyard and hide in the pool house! and if they come get us we could have already had an excuse!"

"what would that be De?!"

"that we were gonna turn on the hot tub so we could get warm???"

"no Delilah that is retarded..."

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