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Chapter 18

Days passed, and everything was going fine. Arjun found himself having lunch with fellow residents when Lola couldn't help but admire his watch.

"Damn. Where did you get that watch? That's quite a piece," Lola said, examining Arjun's watch with interest.

"Shree gave it to me on my birthday. It used to be her father's," Arjun said, smiling proudly.

Everyone at the table admired the watch, impressed by its elegance and craftsmanship. "That's a hella expensive watch. Didn't know Bani Bhabhi was from a rich family," Nikhil commented.

"Her paternal family seems very affluent," Arjun replied casually, taking a sip of water.

"She is very cute," Chola chimed in between bites of Aloo Paratha. "When you leave for work, she keeps standing at the door of your room with a sad pout on her face until she can't see you in sight," he added, eliciting chuckles from the group.

Arjun couldn't help but feel happy hearing the banter about Banishree. "I need a wife as well? What's the process again, Arjun?" Nikhil teased, eliciting laughter from everyone at the table. Arjun rolled his eyes good-naturedly at the playful jab.

"So, when is bhabhi's surgery?" Lola asked, shifting the conversation to a more serious topic.

"After three weeks," Arjun replied, his expression turning slightly solemn as he thought about Banishree's upcoming surgery. Everyone at the table nodded in understanding.

As the conversation naturally drifted to other topics, they discussed the college fest scheduled for the next week, and the lively chatter continued.

It was evening when Arjun returned home, tired from a long day at work. Banishree greeted him with a glass of water, her warm smile instantly lifting his spirits.

"Aapka din kaisa tha, Doctor Babu?" she asked, her eyes full of concern. ( How was your day)

"Accha tha," he answered with a smile, grateful for her presence. ( It was fine)

"Shree, chalo shopping chalte hai," Arjun suggested, feeling like treating his wife to a little outing. ( let's go shopping)

He held the door to his brand new BMW open for Banishree, who blushed at the gesture. With a gentle smile, Arjun rounded the car and settled into the driver's seat.

"Shree, seat belt lagao," he reminded her as she hesitated. ( Put on the seat belt)

Seeing her struggle with the seat belt, Arjun leaned in, their foreheads touching as he swiftly helped her fasten the seat belt and dropped a kiss on her temple. Banishree blushed deep red at the close proximity, feeling a flutter in her heart at his tender gesture.

With the seat belt securely fastened, Arjun ignited the engine and they drove off, leaving behind the worries of the day.

Banishree was staring at the mall intently, marveling at the sights around her. It was her first time visiting a mall, and Arjun couldn't help but notice the big smile on her face. He couldn't resist capturing the moment, clicking pictures of her as she smiled without her knowledge. She was a beauty to watch, and Arjun couldn't help but feel grateful to be by her side.

As they wandered around, Arjun treated Banishree to a variety of foods, from momos and noodles to pizzas and coke. Banishree's eyes widened with excitement at the array of delicious treats before her.

"Ye mall kitna bada hai, Doctor Babu," she exclaimed, her wonder evident in her voice as she slipped on the coke.

They found a cosy spot in the food court to sit and enjoy their meal together. "Hmm. Aur kuch khana hai, Shree?" Arjun asked, offering her more food.

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