Chapter 9 (Goa kingdom, windmill village and bandits)

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"ohh~ I've been on a sea once but this is really beautiful to look at again" you said as you stared at the horizon in amazement.

It's been a few days and for some reason Garp didn't Kicked you off the ship and just been staying here, sometimes checking on Ace and the mana inside him.

"Is that so?... Now I wander where you could be from seeing as it's the first time we've known of you.." Garp responded glancing at you from the side of his eyes also staring into the sea, this ship of his that has a dog on the front.

"Haha! Your right, but that's a secret!" You just said nonchalantly and laugh.

"Your so carefree... Bwahahahahaha!! I like that about you! You should always be like this!" As he started smacking your back.

"Haha right!?... stop smacking me on the back though" you said your expression becoming serious when you turned your head back warning him.

"Bwahaha! Alright brat"

"They get along so well" one of the marines says who's on a lookout.

"Now there's two garp in our ship" the other said as they sight tiredly.

"Back to work" you heard mogart bogar bogart whatever his name is giving the others orders, Garp really trust that guy huh, also very loyal, as you started nodding your head unconsciously which made Garp stared at you confused.

"Hey... we've been sailing around... Aren't we going to arrive at an island yet?" You said with a slight whine.

"Hah! I should have kicked you out already! Why are you still even here though anyways?" 

"Ah?.. I don't know why  didn't you kicked me out yet" you replied back looking annoyed.

"Hm..yeah right, well we're going to arrive at foosha village after a few hours! Bwahaha!!" Garp said and started laughing again and suddenly grabbed a cracker in thin air to who knows where it came from.

"Foosha?" You muttered, your head now back to staring in front of you on the sea.

"Mhm.. you've never been there? Where do you even live kid?" Garp says and glance at you still eating the cracker then you looked down on the floor and saw that what he's eating is already the fifth cracker.

"No.. you guys really have a black hole in your stomach huh?" You said ignoring the last question he asked which only made Garp laugh.

It's suddenly gone quiet with the only noise of the sea, the rocking of the ship and Garp's crunching noise's, you then stood up going to see if there's some island nearby here except for the island you are now supposed to go to.

"Where are you going?" Garp which you only waved your hand in response and continued walking around the ship.

You then turned your magic on that can see through even far away like an observation haki, no island really except for the foosha village that are now on view.

You then turned around and saw the island up ahead with people in there they seemed happy, it reminded you off your friends.

You thought you can maybe explore the ship more but it seems like it's not happening, you then run back onto the deck and started waving around while smiling.

"What are you doing?" Garp asked seeing as how you started waving your hand which only got a look from the village that says "who the hell is that?"

"What?.. I'm being welcomed! I at least have to response" you said still smiling as the ship started to near the port of the island.

Garp only laughed then started walking inside the ship maybe getting Ace, the others on the ship are already now running around to set the ship as they near'd the port.

You then stood up from the edge of the ship and suddenly jumped down making the other village surprise and confused on who you could be while you just kept on smiling so excitedly, you really love attention but also hate it sometimes.

After a while garp can be seen walking out of the ship and into the village as he is being greeted respectfully wandering where Ace is as you can't find him then you felt his energy.

"Huh... Guess you're trying to hide him" you muttered as you started following behind garp who started walking past the village people and to the mountain where he is, he supposed going to give Ace at.

The villagers kept muttering and whispering to themselves on What could be happening then they thought maybe garp will have a talk to some bandits and finally deal with it.

" Where are you taking the child old man?" You asked after passing the village and are now walking on the path, on top of the mountain where dadan is living.

You felt bad thinking about their piecefull Life being disturbed by an old man who is also a marine. You then put your hand on the back of your head and just carelessly walking behind garp just following him.

"It's nothing you could concern about.. how about you? Why are you following this child?" Garp asked slightly glancing behind him knowing that you have actually been following the child alone, you never really answer him properly when he first asked you that.

When you were at the ship you would always check on Ace after all and would sometimes put your hand on the child's stomach as if your doing some weird shit on the child.

You then smiled looking psychotic then face couch as you chuckled.

"Well... Just like you don't have any answers.. I also don't have any answers to give you" you said and laughed still following behind him until they finally reached an old looking shack.

Garp then started knocking?... More like banging on the door you can't help but chuckle at it.

Though the scenes are a bit different than you actually remembered.

After some time noise can be heard inside a few curses and muffling before it opened with dadan looking angry.

You playfully clapped your hand with an o shaped of your mouth, looking amazed as you stared at how dadan looks like, looking angry with some threat leaving her mouth and taking in her appearance she doesn't look really that old like in the anime that is.

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