Chapter 1 (history)

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Once nestled in the lush embrace of the forest, the village of Ardenwood flourished, its people living in harmony with nature. Y/N, a spirited soul with dreams as vast as the sky, called this village home. But one fateful night, the tranquility shattered.

Fire, unforgiving and merciless, consumed Ardenwood in its fiery embrace as the villagers screamed trying to escape this horrifying scene. Y/N, powerless to stop the inferno, could only watch in horror as the flames devoured everything in their path. Loved ones, homes, memories-all swallowed by the raging blaze.

' NO-!!!' Y/n stared into the horrifying scene in front of her, some memories flashing into her mind.

As dawn broke, Y/N emerged from the ashes, the sole survivor of the once-thriving village. Amidst the devastation, grief weighed heavy upon Y/N's heart. But fate, capricious and cruel, had more in store.

Y/n cough as she emerged from the ashes looking dirty full of wound and scratches all over her body as she stared at her former said home that are now destroyed leaving her by herself as the only survivor.

High above, the gods and goddesses watched, their divine eyes witnessing the tragedy below. Misinterpretation clouded their judgment, and in their righteous anger, they laid blame upon Y/N. In their eyes, Y/N was the harbinger of destruction, the one responsible for the village's demise.

"W-why-?... I did nothing wrong! Please believe me...." Y/n screamed as she stared into the night sky above her in disbelief, feeling the gods gaze on her.

In a fit of divine retribution, they cursed Y/N to walk the earth for eternity, condemned to witness the passage of time as all around them withered and died. Immortality became Y/N's burden, an eternal reminder of loss and loneliness.

Through the ages, Y/N wandered, a solitary figure amidst the ever-changing tapestry of the world. Seasons came and went, civilizations rose and fell, yet Y/N remained, a silent witness to the ceaseless march of time.

With each passing century, the pain of loss only deepened, as memories of loved ones faded like whispers in the wind. The weight of eternity pressed upon Y/N's shoulders, a heavy burden that could never be lifted.

Yet amidst the despair, a flicker of hope remained. For in the vast expanse of the cosmos, there existed moments of fleeting beauty, brief glimpses of joy that pierced the darkness like stars in the night sky.

And so, Y/N continued their journey, guided by the fragile threads of hope that bound them to the world. For even in the face of eternal sorrow, the human spirit endures, resilient and unyielding in the face of adversity.

As the years passed, Y/N's anguish morphed into something darker. With each passing decade, their soul absorbed the shadows of sorrow, and within the depths of their being, a newfound power emerged. The once vibrant spirit became entwined with dark magic, a manifestation of the pain and rage that had festered for centuries.

But not everything is a happy ending, y/n again and again experience what it's like to lose the one's she loved.

As time passed y/n consumed by her own anger and hatred plans on taking revenge to what they call themselves gods, challenging on the them.

Fuelled by an unquenchable thirst for retribution, Y/N delved into forbidden arts, honing their skills in the arcane. The whispers of ancient incantations echoed through their mind, and the shadows bowed to their command. Y/N's heart, once pure, now beat in tandem with the ominous pulse of the forbidden arts.

In the secrecy of shadowed realms, Y/N plotted a scheme of vengeance against the gods and goddesses who had unjustly condemned them. The celestial beings, oblivious to the storm gathering in the mortal realm, remained ensconced in their divine ignorance.

As Y/N harnessed the powers of darkness, a chilling determination settled in their eyes. The once-benevolent soul had become a harbinger of the occult, a force to be reckoned with. The gods, having cast their judgment without mercy, would soon feel the repercussions of their hasty decision.

The cosmos trembled as Y/N, now a formidable wielder of dark magic, set forth on a path of vengeance. The gods, unaware of the impending storm, would soon realize that the flames of divine wrath can be extinguished by the shadows of mortal fury.

As Y/N's dark powers grew, an ominous ripple reached the divine realm. The gods and goddesses, sensing the surge of arcane energy, became uneasy. In a bid to quell the rising darkness, they devised a plan to send Y/N across the vast multiverse, hoping that each world would bring new challenges, suffering, and obstacles.

Unbeknownst to the celestial beings, their attempts to break Y/N only fueled their newfound strength. With each journey to a different world, Y/N embraced the diverse magic that flowed through each realm. The gods, thinking they could diminish Y/N's power, unknowingly transformed them into a formidable sorcerer with knowledge spanning across dimensions.

From enchanted forests to futuristic metropolises, Y/N traversed realms that defied imagination. In each world, they encountered different forms of magic, ancient artifacts, and mythical creatures. The gods' misguided attempts at punishment became a twisted boon, as Y/N harnessed the essence of every world they visited, weaving a tapestry of mystical understanding.

With each challenge faced and conquered, Y/N's resolve solidified. The gods, believing they had scattered Y/N's spirit to the winds of suffering, were blind to the truth - that in every hardship, Y/N emerged not weaker, but stronger and more resilient.

The divine puppeteers unwittingly forged a formidable adversary, as Y/N honed their dark powers by adapting to the unique magical nuances of every world. The gods, accustomed to the echo of their own omnipotence, failed to foresee the impending reckoning that brewed in the heart of the mortal they had cursed.

They felt the former mortal's hatred emitting from her stronger and stronger they didn't understand why she became like this, the gods also not knowing of the mistakes they've done to the mortal that made her like that.

As Y/N continued to transcend boundaries, their journey across worlds became a testament to the indomitable spirit of a soul wronged. The gods, growing increasingly uneasy with each passing triumph, began to realize that they had unwittingly crafted a force that could challenge even divine authority. In their attempt to quench the flames of vengeance, they had inadvertently stoked the inferno that would soon consume them.


( Just narrating on the very first one lol. I just made this for fun like my other books so don't hate me you guys 😁)

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