Chapter 2 (new life)

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In the heart of the celestial realm, amidst the shimmering expanse of stars and nebulae, the gods convened. Their divine forms radiated with an ethereal glow, their voices echoing through the cosmos as they discussed the threat posed by Y/N, the mortal who had dared to defy their judgment.

High above, Y/N stood upon the precipice of a cosmic rift, their eyes blazing with an otherworldly intensity. With each passing moment, their power swelled, fueled by centuries of anguish and determination. The time had come to confront the divine arbiters of fate and demand justice for the injustice wrought upon them.

As Y/N stepped into the divine realm, the fabric of reality quivered, the very essence of existence trembling beneath their feet. The gods, sensing the intrusion, turned their attention towards the mortal who dared to challenge their authority.

Y/n gripped as her shadow like scythe in her hand as a fire of shadow cast upon around her showering her powers.

In a flash of blinding light, the goddess, embodiment of divine grace and power, materialized before Y/N. Her form was resplendent, her eyes ablaze with righteous fury as she prepared to face the interloper who threatened the sanctity of their realm.

"You dare to trespass upon sacred ground, mortal?" the goddess thundered, her voice reverberating through the celestial plane.

"You have defied our will and embraced the darkness. There can be no redemption for one such as you." The other goddess spoke.

Y/N stood undaunted, their gaze unwavering as they met the goddess's fierce glare.

"I seek only justice, but it doesn't seem like that here now..." y/n declared, their voice tinged with a steely resolve.

"You condemned me unjustly, cast me into an eternity of suffering. I will not rest until I have righted the wrongs inflicted upon me...." As it can be seen in her eyes how much she'd suffered but the god's didn't seem to notice as the only thing they can see is how strong Y/n's hatreds are emitting from her.

With a flick of her hand, the goddess summoned forth a tempest of divine energy, unleashing a torrent of celestial wrath upon Y/N. But the mortal, emboldened by their newfound power, met the onslaught head-on, weaving dark magic to deflect the divine onslaught.

The clash of forces shook the very foundations of the cosmos, a titanic struggle between mortal and divine. Lightning crackled, and thunder roared as Y/N and the goddess locked in a deadly dance, each determined to emerge victorious.

The goddess of life/nature summon a divine vine's that would in tangled Y/n but Y/n only dodge the divine attack before countering with the scythe in her hand as she face off the goddess of earth and fire.

But as the battle raged on, it became apparent that the goddess's power was inexhaustible, their divine might unmatched by mortal means. Despite Y/N's valiant efforts, they found themselves outmatched, their strength waning against the overwhelming force of the divine.

With a final, desperate surge of power, Y/N launched themselves at the goddess of light who is supposed to be the most strongest of them as has a higher divinity, their dark magic swirling around them like a cloak of shadows.

But the goddess, in a display of supreme grace and power, effortlessly repelled the attack, her luminous form radiating with an otherworldly brilliance.

"You are but a mere mortal, bound by the limitations of flesh and blood," the goddess of light proclaimed, her voice echoing with a solemn finality.

"You may have gained power beyond your wildest dreams, but you will never surpass the divine." The goddess of light spoke her expression but of seriousness and kindness looked that seems as if she's worried about her and the things she's did.

And with a gesture of her hand, the goddess unleashed a wave of celestial energy, engulfing Y/N in a blinding cascade of light. Y/n cast another spell underneath her as her eyes widened in shock at the attack the goddess of light did.

As the brilliance faded, the mortal's form dissipated into nothingness, their presence erased from the celestial realm the goddess not noticing the last cast of spell the mortal did as she disappeared and the way her eyes glared at the god's.

"This is not, the end yet"

Alone once more, the goddess gazed out into the infinite expanse of the cosmos, her expression inscrutable. Though the threat had been vanquished, a lingering sense of unease remained, a whisper of doubt in the divine order of things.

"A mortal who's able to face against us..." The goddess of fire exclaimed looking warry as she walked up towards the goddess of light.

Followed by the goddess of life/nature and the goddess of water, air.

"That mortal... became a god..." The goddess of water replied back her expression looking wary and kind as always.

"Right, since the disappearance of the god of death, that mortal appeared... Could she be?" The goddess of air spoke up this time as they looked at the goddess of light in wary.

"No... That mortal... Is a devil herself, she is not the god of death... But a demon... The god of of #£&+_)'+:#-..."

"... We are still not sure, since From the beginning, she's never been a human in our world..."


Y/n flouted Into the dark abyss not remembering what has happened as she started to slowly recalled everything.

'right... I was... Defeated... even until the end... Heh.. hehe... HAHAHAHA!!!'





''help... me..."

'What?.. am I hearing voices? Who is it? They sound like they're in pain' Y/n thought to herself not being able to see from the darkness of the Abby's as she kept floating.

"Help me... please... Please!" The voice spoke again in y/n's head when suddenly she had opened her eyes.

'what... the hell?' Y/n stared at the night sky as she stared Into the stars, her eyes then moved down and then finally realised what is happening.

She then suddenly smiled, a smile that can make even the God's themselves uneasy.

'hehe, this will be... A fun adventure HAHAHAHA!'.

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