Chapter 28: Murtagh

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The King's throne room exuded an air of grandiosity, adorned with rich tapestries and opulent decor. Murtagh, astride Thorn, entered with an air of seasoned confidence. Thorn, now six weeks old, radiated an undeniable power, and the bond between rider and dragon had strengthened, enabling them to traverse the landscapes with newfound agility.

As Murtagh dismounted and made his way towards the throne, the King observed him with a calculating gaze. Thorn loomed beside Murtagh, a silent sentinel, ever watchful.

"Why have you summoned me?" Murtagh asked, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.

The King, seated upon his imposing throne, leaned forward, a twisted smile playing on his lips. "Murtagh, my loyal servant, I sense your restlessness. I trust you've been enjoying your rides with Thorn."

Murtagh's eyes narrowed, a touch of bitterness in his reply. "As much as one can enjoy serving a king like you."

The King chuckled, seemingly unperturbed by Murtagh's tone. "You always were one for directness. No beating around the bush. I like that about you."

Murtagh scowled, growing impatient. "Why am I here, then? If it's more torture, let's get it over with."

The king's laughter echoed in the grand hall. "Oh, Murtagh, there's plenty of time for that. No, I called you here for something different. Something that might pique your interest."

The king rose from his throne, a predatory gleam in his eyes as he approached Murtagh. Grabbing him by the shoulder, the king leaned in, his voice a low, menacing whisper. "There's a rumor spreading through my spies in the realm. A rumor that may change everything."

Murtagh raised an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity breaking through his guarded exterior. "What rumor could be so important that it requires my presence?"

The King's grip tightened, emphasizing the gravity of his words. "A new dragon egg has hatched. A potential new Dragon Rider has entered the stage. I need you to investigate, Murtagh. Find out everything you can. This information could prove to be quite valuable."

A dangerous glint flashed in Murtagh's eyes as he processed the king's words. The revelation of a new dragon's hatching held implications that went beyond the immediate concerns of the throne room. As the King released his grip, Murtagh nodded, understanding the weight of the task at hand.

"Consider it done," Murtagh declared, his gaze meeting the king's with a mix of defiance and determination.

The bustling city of Uru-bean stretched out before Murtagh as he navigated through the crowded streets. The scent of spices and the murmur of conversations filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere. Murtagh carried a satchel filled with supplies slung over his shoulder, his mind focused on the journey ahead.

The King had informed him that the rumors about the newly hatched dragon egg originated in Carvahall, the very place where Eragon had come from. Murtagh couldn't help but wonder if fate would lead him to encounter Eragon once again. He quickly shook off the thought, dismissing any notion of reunion. Eragon was the fortunate one, free from the king's clutches.

As Murtagh strolled through the city, Thorn established a mental connection. "I'll meet you outside the city, Murtagh," the dragon communicated, the connection resonating in Murtagh's mind.

Murtagh nodded, acknowledging the silent communication, and the mental link was severed. He continued weaving through the lively streets until he approached the main gate of the city. As he walked, a curious sight caught his attention – a girl engaged in a playful sword fight with an older boy. Both wielded wooden swords, and Murtagh couldn't help but observe the scene.

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