Chapter 20: Teirm Tresures

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Chapter 20: Teirm Troubles:

The sun hung low in the sky as James and Danny finally reached the gates of Teirm after three long days of travel. A guard approached them, his stance stern as he assessed the newcomers.

"State your business," the guard demanded, his gaze scrutinizing.

Danny maintained his composure, his voice steady as he replied, "We're traders from Narda, looking to buy goods in Teirm."

The guard eyed them for a moment before nodding, waving them through the gates. But before they could pass, he leaned in, a hint of concern in his voice. "Be careful in there. Word has spread about a rebellion in Carvahall. Strange magic they say the villagers are using."

James and Danny exchanged a glance, their expressions troubled by the news. As they walked further into the city, out of earshot of the guard, James spoke up, "The news of the skirmish must have followed Captain Garth on his journey here."

Danny nodded grimly. "It's concerning news indeed. We'll have to proceed with caution while we're here."

With their minds weighed down by the ominous news, James and Danny continued on their path, determined to find Captain Garth and his story around the rebellion in Carvahall.

As the evening settled in, James and Danny found themselves seated comfortably in the bustling Teirm Tavern, the largest inn in the city. Danny beckoned the bartender and ordered them both the local specialty, a refreshing pear and strawberry cider. They sipped the sweet concoction, relishing its fruity and crisp flavors, a welcome change from the drinks they were accustomed to back in Texas.

"This is good," Danny remarked, nodding approvingly.

James agreed, taking another sip. "Definitely. It's different but in a good way."

Their conversation was interrupted by the voices of soldiers at a nearby table, discussing recent events in hushed tones. One soldier spoke of Captain Garth's mission, rallying support for an invasion of Carvahall. Another, a younger man with a hint of disdain in his voice, called Garth an idiot if he couldn't control a small village like Carvahall.

But it was the words of an older soldier, with dark hair and a weathered face, that caught James's attention. He mentioned a rumor of a kind of magic projectile being used in Carvahall, though he doubted its effectiveness against the city's spellcaster, Lucien.

James leaned in closer to Danny, his voice low. "Did you hear that? Lucien. Maybe he can give us some more information about what's going on."

Danny nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting determination. "Let's find this Lucien. He might hold the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding Captain Garth and our entry into this world."

James and Danny then retired to their room after a light meal. Sleep quickly enveloped the both of them as they had become very tired after their three long days of travel.

The first rays of the morning sun painted the city of Teirm with a warm glow as James stirred awake. He shook Danny gently, who mumbled about it being too early, but eventually roused himself as well.

"The market will be bustling today, especially on the weekend. That might be our chance to move around unnoticed while the soldiers are preoccupied," James suggested as they prepared to start their day.

Danny nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Let's explore the other parts of town first, maybe start with the estates."

As they made their way towards the estates, the city began to stir to life. The sounds of vendors setting up their stalls and the distant hum of activity filled the air. James and Danny observed the city coming to life, strategizing their movements to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

Arriving at the estates, their eyes caught a peculiar sight – a house perched near the easternmost part of the wall with an unusual blue light emanating from its windows. James and Danny exchanged glances, curiosity piqued.

Approaching the house cautiously, James tapped Danny on the shoulder and handed him one of his revolvers. "Stay sharp. Use the revolver if needed. You go around the left side, and I'll check the right. Let's look for any entry points."

Danny nodded, gripping his rifle tightly. The two of them circled the mysterious house, searching for any signs of activity or a way inside. The blue light continued to cast an eerie glow, adding an air of mystery to their clandestine investigation.

As they cautiously moved around the house, James and Danny couldn't shake the feeling that they were edging closer to the heart of the enigmatic magic that had captured the attention of Carvahall and Teirm alike.

James and Danny, with a shared nod of determination, decided to explore the mysterious house emanating the strange blue light. As they circled the building, James noticed a window at the back that seemed left open. He gestured to Danny to follow and carefully climbed inside.

Entering what appeared to be the kitchen, they started to search each room, moving quietly through the house. The distorted blue tint in the air made everything seem surreal, casting an otherworldly atmosphere over their clandestine investigation.

The rooms held the semblance of normalcy – ingredients in the fridge, books on the history of Alagaësia scattered on tables – nothing overtly suspicious. Yet, a peculiar feeling gnawed at James, as if invisible eyes were watching their every move.

Danny scanned the room and whispered to James, "This place is strange. The blue light, the distorted vision, it's like we've stepped into another realm."

James nodded, his senses on high alert. "Keep an eye out for anything unusual. We need to find out what's going on here."

As they continued to explore the house, the feeling of being watched persisted. Every creak of the floorboards and every shadow seemed to whisper a mystery they were yet to unravel. James and Danny exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the strangeness of their surroundings.

"Let's check the rest of the rooms. We might find something that explains all this," James suggested, leading the way with a cautious stride. The house held its secrets tightly, and they were determined to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic blue light that cloaked it in an aura of mystery.

As James and Danny explored the peculiar house, their search seemed to yield no significant findings. Danny, feeling a sense of frustration, remarked, "I'm about ready to give up on this place, James. It just seems like a normal house with a strange tint."

James, however, felt a persistent curiosity urging him to continue. He walked back through the kitchen, heading towards the window they had entered, when something caught his attention. The floor felt hollow beneath a rug, prompting him to pull it aside. To their surprise, a hatch was revealed, opening to a ladder descending into a mysterious basement.

"This has to be it," James said with a determined glint in his eyes. "The source of the blue light."

As they descended into the basement, a transformative scene unfolded before them. The room below resembled the abode of a sorcerer. Danny, in awe, remarked, "I've never seen so many gems and potions in my life."

James surveyed the room, taking in the sight of various potions, books, and satchels. Yet, at the far end, something extraordinary caught his eye – the largest gem of them all, a perfectly egg-shaped white rock resting on a pedestal.

"Look at this," James said, his voice barely above a whisper. "This must be the source of the enchantment."

Danny joined him, his eyes widening at the sight of the radiant gem. "It's incredible. What do you think it does?"

James pondered for a moment; his eyes fixed on the mystical egg-shaped gem. "I'm not sure, but I think this gem might be the key to understanding the strange magic affecting Carvahall. We need to find someone who can help us unravel its secrets."

As they stood in the sorcerer's basement, surrounded by magical artifacts and the enchanting glow of the gem, James and Danny knew that their journey had taken an unexpected turn, leading them deeper into the mysteries that connected Carvahall, Teirm, and the extraordinary magic that bound them together.

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