Chapter 7: New Faces, New Places

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The crackling of the fire in the fireplace greeted James as he awoke, the warmth of the flames casting a comforting glow across the cozy interior of the cottage. Kai moved about the room, carrying a stack of firewood and humming a soft tune as he tended to the morning fire.

"Good morning, James," Kai greeted him with a warm smile as he walked past, depositing the firewood by the hearth.

Charles was already awake, his keen eyes closely examining the walls of the cottage. A furrow formed on his brow as he remarked, "I haven't seen buildings like this outside of the far-northeast. It doesn't make sense to find a cottage of this type so far south."

He gestured towards the window, his gaze following the flow of the river. "And the river... it puzzles me. I haven't seen any familiar landmarks in this land to guide us."

As Charles voiced his concerns, Evelyn approached James with a steaming cup of coffee, a comforting aroma wafting through the air. She handed the cup to James, her expression thoughtful.

"It's the last of the coffee," she said, her eyes scanning the room. "We'll need to find more supplies soon."

James nodded, taking a sip of the warm coffee as he surveyed the room. His eyes fell on Danny, who was tending to the still unconscious David, wrapped in blankets by the fire.

Walking over, James knelt beside them. "How's he doing, Danny?"

Danny sighed; his gaze heavy with concern. "He hasn't woken up yet, but he's been murmuring names during the night. Names from our childhood, and even our grandparents."

A knot tightened in James' stomach, a mix of worry and curiosity. "What kind of names?"

Danny shrugged, his eyes on his brother. "Just fragments, really. But it's something, right? At least he's not completely lost in there."

As James and Danny talked, Evelyn began to pack up the remaining supplies. The group would need to continue their journey, uncertain of what lay ahead.

After some time, James stood up and began organizing his own belongings, with Kai offering assistance. Bags were packed, equipment checked, and a plan formed for the day ahead.

"Alright, everyone," James called out to the group. "We need to keep moving. Charles, any idea which direction we should head?"

Charles glanced out the window once more before shaking his head. "The river should lead us somewhere, but without landmarks, it's hard to say. We'll have to trust the flow, for now."

With a nod, James signaled to the group. "Let's stick together, and if anyone spots anything unusual or promising, speak up. We're in this together."

After half an hour of organizing and preparing, the group was ready to resume their journey. The morning sun filtered through the dense pine trees as they stepped out of the cottage,

The group stepped out of the cottage, the crisp morning air greeting them as they prepared to resume their journey down the river. James took the lead, with Kai walking beside him. The dense pine trees surrounded them, their branches whispering secrets of the wilderness.

As they walked, James struck up a conversation with Kai, eager to learn more about the diverse experiences within the group. "Kai, you mentioned this forest reminds you of a harsh winter. What happened?"

Kai's eyes seemed to drift into the past, a distant look in his gaze. "Five years ago, during a harsh winter, I was tasked with hunting a bear by my tribe."

Intrigued, James raised an eyebrow. "A bear? Why a bear?"

Kai smiled, as if reminiscing about a challenging but formative experience. "In my tribe, when a man comes of age, he must hunt an animal and take it as a trophy to prove himself to the chief."

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