Chapter 12: Gathering Information

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The soft morning light seeped through the small windows of Horst's house, gently waking James from a restful sleep. He stretched and yawned, realizing that for the third morning in a row, this quaint dwelling had become the closest thing to a home he and Danny had known in the last few months.

On the other side of the room, Danny stirred awake, his voice carrying across the space. "You know, James, this place is starting to feel like home, at least for now."

James nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, it's strange how quickly it's happened."

As Danny got out of bed, he mentioned that he was going to check on David's condition. With a quick farewell, he left the room, leaving James to the quiet morning ambiance.

In the adjoining room, Danny rummaged through his belongings, selecting a simple tunic and breeches for the day. He pulled on his wide-brim leather hat, a familiar companion on their journey. Methodically, he checked the sharpness of his sable and revolver, ensuring they were in optimal condition. His movements were precise, a testament to the routine of someone well-versed in the art of survival.

As he turned his attention to his father's ring, a family heirloom that had accompanied him on every step of their journey, Danny found himself captivated by the gem at its center. It seemed to shimmer and move, creating an illusion of a never-ending lake trapped within the confines of the small gemstone. Danny shook his head, as if trying to dispel the enchantment, before carefully placing the ring back among his belongings.

James approached the forge, waving at Elaine as he walked past her, drawn by the rhythmic sounds of hammer and tongs. As he arrived, he saw Horst engrossed in a discussion with Charles, their heads bent together as they explored the possibilities of crafting primitive firearms.

Charles, the grizzled war veteran, leaned over the workbench, gesturing animatedly. "Blunderbusses will be effective in close quarters, especially if the soldiers come at us in groups. The spread of pellets can take down multiple targets at once. But for longer ranges and higher accuracy, rifles will be crucial."

Horst listened intently, absorbing Charles's expertise. "We need to catch them by surprise, use the element of surprise to our advantage. Blunderbusses for the initial assault and rifles for precision shots from a distance."

James stood by, silently taking in the conversation. The urgency of their situation hung in the air, and the plans for resistance were taking shape at the heart of the forge, where metal and determination melded together

Charles then noticed James arrive and welcomes him into the conversation,

"James, my boy" Charles warmly smiles and grabs James' shoulder "What do you think of my advice to horst here ?"

James thinks for a second before responding, looking at the mass of different steel mounds shapes that sit on the forge table and surround the workspace.

"These ideas will be very useful for the fight to come but I do not know what this empire may send against us after this, we will need to remain vigilant"

Horst furrowed his brow, deep in thought as he considered Charles's suggestions. "Charles, James, would you mind giving me a moment alone? I need to mull over a few ideas," he requested, his tone contemplative.

Charles nodded in understanding. "Of course, Horst. Take your time. We'll be around if you need us," he assured, placing a reassuring hand on James's shoulder before gesturing to Danny. "Let's get to work, Danny. We have some scouting to do."

Danny nodded, falling into step beside Charles as they left the forge behind. "Where to first?" he inquired, eager to start their reconnaissance mission.

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