Chapter 31: Ambush

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The morning sun cast a warm glow over the campsite as James emerged from his tent, greeted by the sight of Murtagh already awake and preparing tea. Murtagh offered James a cup, his demeanor relaxed as he inquired about James's night's rest.

"I slept fine," James replied tersely, his tone guarded as he accepted the offered tea.

Murtagh chuckled, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "That's good to hear. I had the strangest dream last night," he remarked casually, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

James regarded Murtagh with a furrowed brow, sarcasm dripping from his response. "Oh? What was it about?" he asked, his interest piqued despite himself having a fair idea of what Murtagh was going to refer to.

Murtagh's grin widened as he recounted his supposed dream, his voice filled with amusement. "I dreamt that a brown-haired beauty came to me in the middle of the night and confessed their feelings," he revealed, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he glanced at James.

James's expression darkened at the mention of the previous night's events, his tone sharp as he interjected, "I'm sorry I tried to kill you last night."

But Murtagh simply laughed, his laughter echoing through the morning air. "Don't worry about it," he reassured James, his tone light. "You'll learn to like me eventually."

As Murtagh finished packing his tent, he outlined his plan to head south, but not directly back to Uru-bean. James questioned the deviation from their original course, prompting Murtagh to explain his reasoning.

"I'd rather prolong our small slice of freedom," Murtagh admitted with a hint of wistfulness. "And besides, the king isn't likely to be angry as long as I deliver you in one piece."

With that, the two companions set off on their journey, their path veering away from the capital as they embraced the fleeting moments of liberty that lay before them.

As James and Murtagh traversed the changing landscape, the idyllic scenery of the Palancar Valley gradually gave way to a more rugged terrain. The once lush grasslands faded into arid expanses, and the river they had been following dwindled in size as they continued on their path.

The midday sun beat down upon them, casting harsh shadows across the barren landscape. Sweat beaded on their brows as they pressed forward, their senses alert for any sign of danger.

In the distance, James spotted what appeared to be a damaged cart up ahead. Murtagh immediately sent a mental warning to Thorn and Astrider, cautioning them to be on guard for potential threats.

Approaching the scene cautiously, James and Murtagh found the wreckage of the cart, its wooden frame splintered and its contents strewn across the ground. Nearby lay the lifeless bodies of a merchant and his guards, as well as the slain form of an Urgal.

Murtagh's expression darkened with concern as he surveyed the scene, his senses keenly attuned to any signs of danger. He turned to James, his voice grave as he emphasized the need for utmost caution.

"We'll need to proceed with extreme care," Murtagh cautioned, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any potential threats.

James nodded in agreement, his own senses on high alert as he took a few tentative steps closer to the wreckage, scanning the area for anything of value amidst the scattered wares.

Suddenly, the shrill sound of a horn pierced the silence, echoing across the plains and sending a shiver down their spines.

The air crackled with tension as ten Urgals charged towards James and Murtagh, their menacing forms silhouetted against the harsh sunlight. Without hesitation, James swiftly shouldered his rifle, taking careful aim and firing with deadly accuracy. The shot rang out, echoing across the barren landscape as one of the Urgals fell, a look of surprise frozen on its face.

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