Chapter 22: Dungeon

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The dim light of dawn filtered through the grates as James and Danny made their way to the sewer entrance on the south side of town. With a sense of determination, James turned to Danny, his voice firm. "Today's the day," he declared.

Danny nodded, his expression resolute as they gathered their gear and prepared to descend into the foul-smelling depths of the sewer system. As they approached the entrance, Danny wrinkled his nose at the putrid odor emanating from below.

"This stench is unbearable," Danny remarked, his voice tinged with disgust.

James offered a reassuring smile. "We won't be down here for long. Let's get moving."

With that, they descended into the darkness of the sewer, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. The rushing torrent of sewage beside them served as a grim reminder of the task ahead.

They walked for what felt like an eternity, the only illumination coming from the flickering torches lining the passageways. James led the way, his senses alert for any signs of danger. After fifteen minutes of exploration, they came upon a hatch leading above ground.

James motioned for Danny to stay back as he climbed the ladder, his movements slow and deliberate. "We need to be cautious," he whispered to Danny. "Listen for any faint sounds. We don't want to emerge in the main courtyard of the city."

Danny nodded, his ears straining for any indication of nearby activity as they prepared to breach the surface and continue their mission to free David from captivity. With every step, they drew closer to their goal, their resolve unwavering despite the challenges that lay ahead.

Emerging from the sewer, James and Danny found themselves in a dimly lit stone passageway, signaling that they were either within the castle or, more specifically, in the dungeon. To their left, a long corridor stretched ahead, while to their right, a closed door stood about 10 meters away.

James glanced at Danny and suggested, "Let's check out that door first. Maybe we can find some information or a way to navigate through the castle." Danny nodded in agreement, and they quietly approached the door.

Carefully, James turned the handle and pushed the door open. The creaking sound caught the attention of two guards sitting at a table inside, and another was dozing off in what appeared to be a common room for the soldiers.

The larger soldier at the table looked up, eyeing James and Danny with suspicion. "Who do you think you are, and what are you doing in the castle barracks?" he demanded, his tone stern.

His companion by the table got up, hand reaching for his sword. "Intruders," he declared, "they need some of the king's justice."

James raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "Hold on, we're not here for trouble. We're just looking for someone. A friend of ours who's been wrongly imprisoned."

The guards exchanged skeptical glances, clearly unconvinced by the intruders' explanation. The tension in the room escalated as the soldiers prepared to enforce the castle's security. James and Danny faced a crucial moment, needing to convince the guards to let them continue their mission to free David without alerting the entire castle to their presence.

The tension in the room reached a breaking point as James and Danny faced off against the guards in the castle barracks. James, with resolve in his eyes, pulled out his revolver and aimed it at the soldiers. Danny, mirroring James's actions, raised his own firearm.

"Now, you've got two choices," James stated, his voice steady. "Choice one: you die right here, same with your friend over there," he nodded towards the sleeping soldier. "Choice two: you cooperate. Tell us what we want to know, and you'll be tied up and left alone."

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