Chapter 6: On the Water

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10 Years Earlier

James breathes in the warm air and looks out the window over the serene countryside during a warm afternoon. A rustic cabin stands amidst a picturesque landscape, surrounded by rolling hills and tall trees. Inside the cabin, James, a curious 10-year-old boy, turns his gaze back inside eagerly watching his father, Thomas, a seasoned hunter and marksman, as he prepares to teach him the art of shooting.

His father then spoke with a calm and authoritative tone "Alright, James, pay close attention now. This here's your first lesson in shooting. Remember, it's not just about aiming and pulling the trigger. It's about patience, steadiness, and respect for the weapon"

He then carefully lays out a rifle on the table, its wooden stock polished with years of use. He picks up a small container of shot and a bag of gunpowder, beginning to demonstrate the loading process.

"First, we load the shot. You see these pellets? They'll spread out once fired, increasing your chances of hitting your target. Then, the powder. Just the right amount for the distance we're aiming for." stated his father.

James watches intently, absorbing every detail as his father explains each step with precision.

"Can I try, Pa?" James asks excitedly looking up at his father.

Thomas smiles warmly "Not just yet, son. Patience. First, you observe and learn. Now, watch closely"

Thomas finishes loading the rifle and hands it to James, who takes it with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He aims carefully at a glass bottle placed about 30 meters away but misses by a significant margin.

James looks up at his father with disappointment "I missed, Pa"

"That's alright, James. It takes time and practice. You'll get the hang of it. Remember, steady breaths, steady hands" Thomas says encouragingly

His father retrieves the rifle and demonstrates the proper stance and grip once more, offering gentle guidance to James "Now, try again. Steady now, just like I showed you"

James takes a deep breath, steadying himself as he aims once more. This time, he squeezes the trigger with more confidence, and to his delight, the bottle shatters into a thousand pieces

James shouts with happiness "I did it, Pa! I hit it!"

"That's my boy. Well done, James. Now, remember, it's not about the result, but the journey to mastery. Every shot teaches you something new." States his father

After the shooting practice, James's father begins the meticulous task of cleaning the rifle. He carefully disassembles it, explaining each part's function to James.

"Cleaning your rifle is just as important as shooting it, James. A well-maintained rifle ensures it'll serve you faithfully for years to come. And remember, every part needs attention, from the barrel to the trigger mechanism"

His Father dips a cloth into a container of rendered animal fat, meticulously rubbing it onto the rifle's metal parts as James observes with fascination

"This animal fat helps prevent rust and keeps the metal smooth. It's a simple task, but it ensures your rifle stays in top condition."

James watches his father with admiration, realizing the care and respect involved in handling a firearm

"I never knew there was so much to it Pa" Says James

His father responds with a smile "Aye, James. Shooting's not just about hitting your target. It's about responsibility, discipline, and a deep respect for the craft. Remember that, and you'll do just fine"

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