Start from the beginning

"Dev, why did you say that we will accept even if her answer is 'No'?" Mom asked furiously at Dad.

"Because we should accept it," Dad said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"You accept it but I will not because I need that girl as my daughter-in-law. Look Aarush if you don't marry her I don't need you as my son. End of the discussion." What the-! Look like my mom is obsessed with her way more than me.

"What are you saying, Karthika? We can't force her," Dad said to my furious Mom.

"Why should we force her when she is already in love with him?" My mom asked.

"You both stop fighting over that. Let her decide what she wants." Dadu said to both of my parents.

"But I think. . ." Aryan's voice made everyone look at him.

"There is another reason for her rejecting this marriage proposal now. And I don't think it is a simple reason. Did you know anything, Bhai?" Aryan asked me.

Yeah, maybe it is because of Daksh? Or is it about my jerk behaviour of yesterday?

"No," I said to him not saying the thoughts in my mind.

"Okay. Then let her take the decision whatever she wants," Aryan said and everyone nodded their head except me and my mom.

A while ago Mr.Bhuvan Mehra informed us that they're leaving today itself. I don't care if they leave or not but taking Dhriti with them is the thing that can't digest to me. After seeing her panic attack I have no courage to leave her away from my eyes but I have no reason to keep her with me.

But before that, I have to see her and talk to her personally. So I walked towards her room and made sure she was alone, there was no her so-called brother inside her room. After confirming myself, I slip inside her room only to see she is coming out from the washroom wearing a hunter-green tank top with a high neck and blue shaded wide-legged jeans, her wet hair falls on both of her shoulders and her eyes are puffed look like she cried.

Why is she crying so much? She is a bold person, right? I don't like it when she cries. I like the fiery expression on her face. And thing that makes me more hurt is she is suffering alone, not letting anyone inside her walls.

"What are you doing here?" She asked keeping her things in the bag, avoiding my gaze.

"I want to see you before you're leaving," I said.

"For what?" She asked me plucking out the charger from the plug and shoving it inside her bag avoiding my gaze as much as possible.

"Does I need any reason for that?" I was about to hold her elbow and turn her around but she was very fast to move away from me and walk towards the wardrobe.

Shit! She is definitely doing this because my yesterday's behaviour.

"Babydoll?" I called her walking towards her. She turned around after closing the door of the wardrobe taking some clothes of her and walking near her bag, ignoring my entire existence.

"Is it necessary to go?" I asked her.

"Yeah," She said in a monotone, zipping her bag.

"I will miss you," I said as I tried to wrap my hands around her waist from behind.

Keyword tried.

She kept her bag on the floor, I was going to help her but she stopped me. She took her phone in her hands and was about to go out of the room. I held her elbow.

"Aarush, let me go." She said as tried to free herself from my hold.

"What did I tell you yesterday? Don't.push.me.away. Didn't I tell you?" I asked her pulling her close to me, making her leave her luggage on the floor.

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