"Wanna ask some people from 12 for an alliance?" I asked. Doug nodded and we stood up, walking quickly into the next carriage. Beth was muttering to herself in the corner, whilst Santana was speaking coolly to Valentina Curtis, Rosalie Wood and Jay Mann. Santana shot them a snarky smile as the three of them departed led by Valentina, with Rosalie glaring daggers at Santana. The girl smirked and leaned back on the couch she was on. Jeffrey and Eric were sitting next to each other, talking awkwardly. It was obvious neither of them were comfortable with the other. Camille and Rudy sat in the corner, staring out the window and talking conversationally.

"I think Camille and Rudy over there are our best bets," Doug said. I nodded and we walked over to the two of them. Rudy looked up as we approached, and it was only then I realized just how similar they looked. Both of them had blonde hair, but Rudy's was more of a sandy blond and Camille's hair was almost white. Camille had her hair chopped messily to her collarbones and Rudy's was short and ruffled. Both of them had brown eyes, although Rudy's were a light brown and Camille's was a darker brown, and both had fair skin. Merchants in District 12 were generally fair skinned and fair haired, both of them probably had blood relations in the merchant area. The two could probably pass as siblings.

"Hey," Camille said casually, shooting us a small smile.

"Do you two want an alliance?" Doug asked. Rudy cocked his head to the side and glanced at Camille. She shrugged.

"Yea, sure thing," she agreed. I smiled and slipped into the seat opposite the two, Doug following suit.

"So how did you guys get landed in the games, anyway?" I asked. Rudy sighed and looked down.

"Basically, we're both orphans. I never knew my parents, but Rudy did..." Camille trailed off hesitantly, and I immediately knew that she knew what happened to Rudy's parents, but I didn't push her on it.
"Our only family was Rudy's sister Millie, and we were treated like shit in the orphanage. So, we left," Camille said, running a hand through her hair, "We ran about a year ago, Rudy's sister was 8, I was 15 and Rudy was 16. We bought weapons from some dude in the seam who gets kicks out of making them and we went into the forest, never came back. We found a bunker about 4 hours away from the border and we stayed there. We found out that 12 pronounced us dead and called off the search pretty quickly. We stayed near the District and stole shit from the people living near the border so we could survive, and once we had gathered enough we planned to run off into the forest and completely leave Panem. That didn't happen. We got caught. And now we're here."

Rudy still remained rather silent. He stared at his hands on the table, his face set in stone.

"You okay?" Doug asked carefully. Rudy's eyes slid up to his and his eyes narrowed.

"No," he said rather boldly, "My little sister was just murdered, I'm far from okay."

"Oh," Doug stammered, staring down at his hands. Rudy shook his head.

"Sorry man, it's just a touchy subject," he murmured. An awkward silence descended upon us.

"So, erm, either of you good with weapons?" Camille asked. I shook my head.

"I farm for a living so I'm not great with weapons. I'm pretty resistant to pain though."

Camille nodded, then turned to Doug. He shook his head.

"What about you two?" I asked Camille and Rudy.

"I can fight with a fighting staff and knives, I'm better with the fighting staff though," Camille said, "Rudy's an archer."

I nodded. Although Doug and I were older than the two in front of us, I had a feeling that they would be the ones saving our asses in the arena.

Tatiana Whiteman POV

"So alliance?"

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