Fuck french

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It's been a few days since the party and let me tell you the hangover i had was brutal. Molly was her perky usual self and Riley was locked in the bathroom all day. Molly acted like she hadn't drank at all. Stupid bitch not getting hangovers.


Anyways. I havnt spoke to my dad much since i got here, i really miss him but apparently on the first on next month, about 3 weeks, there is a parents day where family and friends com to visit. They don't technically call it parents day because well you know. This is a school for orphans, delinquents, both etc but mots students here have no parents so. It's just called family day.


"Uh french" i groan at molly and riley as they walk me to my class. They both have English but they are in a high set so they have double English, not like my last school where i had double language and not because i am good at French but because i am thick.

"You will be fineeee" molly drags, she seems cheery today, then again when isn't she.

"Ive been avoiding French since i got here for a reason ladies" i give a half arsed laugh.

"We will meet you after, its the last lesson and then we can get drunk or something later" riley winks.

"Oooooo i guess ill have to be on my best behaviour then" i reply sarcastically.

We part ways as I make it to my room. God i hope this teacher isn't a fucking prick.

"Ohh, looks like Addy finally showed up for once" the teacher shoots me a glare as i drop my bag on the floor.

Fuck. Breath. Just breath. It's only an hour.

"Sorry miss, i have been very busy" i reply with a sweat smile but secretly want to throw a fucking char at her and i havnt even known her for five flipping seconds.

She carries on with the lesson.

10 minutes left. Finally. I've been counting the clock down ever since i stepped foot into this room. I know that makes time feel like its going slower but I am definitely not about to actually do the work. It's pointless.

"Addy?" The teacher who i came to learn that her name was mis Jenifer. Like Jenifer is a first name but whatever girl.

"What" i retort trying to keep calm with all the boredom that's surrounding me.

So fucking bored.

"How's the work going?" She grins at me, probably knowing full well i haven't done any of it.

"Perfect, I haven't done a single fucking thing" i smile mischievously back at her.

The class erupts in laughter as the teacher glares at me. I don't take my eyes off her, its like a damn staring contest. To be extra cheeky i put both my feet on the desk and lean back in my chair. Showing her my love for her an this subject.

That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.

The whole class is dead quiet now with a few glances between me and the teacher and others whispering to one another.

The anticipation is getting boring.

I sigh, "so are you gonna stare at me like a fucking pigeon all day or are you going to use you words".

Shit, so much for keeping my shit together. I just really hate when people stare at me. It's not even intimidating its just like rude. Duh.

She walks over, slapping her hand on my desk, "out and don't come back until you learn some manners".

This is all sounding too familiar.

I leave, after a wave goodbye and a cheeky smile to teacher. I will probably get detention for what but who cares. At least i didn't break anything or hit anyone this time.


Tea time. I left French a little early, well got kicked out so I got back to the dorm earlier than everyone else. I had a fat nap and its now 6,30pm so im hading down to dinner. I assume everyone is already there, they know not to wake me up wen im sleeping.

I grab some food, as i spot my friends and walk over to the table.

"Sup guys" i say, taking a seat next to Carter.

"You got kicked out of French" molly exclaims all wide eyed.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I ask while digging into my fries. Which by the way, were way too heavily salter. My fault.

"Um well, your little out burst is the talk of the school" Adam chimes in nervously.

I shrug, "i didnt hit anyone or break anything".

"Everyone thought you were like all good and shit, well apart from us of course, we know how psycho you really are but anyways, everyone thought u was like this good girl, teachers pet, so you shocked everyone" Jackson laughs to himself.

I have come to realise that if he wants to, Jackson can talk a lot, probably for the country. It's quite funny though and i don't mind listening.

"Oh well, there is a lot about me they don't know, and you guys for that matter" i wink at Jackson then chuckle.

To be fair, since i have been here, my behaviour has been.. better. Wow.

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