His Little Tiger

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Shaman tried calming himself down and sat at his high chair, opened his laptop and started typing gibberish so that he could show he didn't look like a creep staring at his windows. Soon he heard a knock and knew it was her, after drying his sweaty palms on his trouser, he spoke, "Come in". Although he was a wreck from inside, he appeared quite nonchalant from outside which pissed Lia to a different level. She wanted to rip his stupid face in shreds and ask him if he could even feel a little bit of emotion or his heart only feels for selective people like his so-called wife and kid. "No, no, no" she quickly reprimanded herself and adjusted her face before speaking, "Just because we have a past together doesn't mean i would resign from this position, i don't know how i didn't saw about you in this company's profile but let me make it clear to you, i had earned this position with my hard work so don't ever think that you have a upper had in this situation or i would bow down to you". 

Seeing her huffing and breathing faster, Shaman slides the glass of water in her direction which she took as he was mocking her, so she simply turned and left. He was still in shock but afterwards he could only smile and speak, "Yes, my little tiger, don't let anyone get in your way, fight me, fight everyone who threatens you, and i would always be there to remind you just how strong you are, my wife". On the other hand, Lia didn't return to her desk, she found the cafeteria and helped herself with a glass of water, after drinking two full glasses, she calmed her racing heart. Even though she bravely spoke in front of Shaman, she still had a hard time yelling at people although this man totally deserved it, she glanced up and prayed to god, "Please give me strength to fight this evil, despicable, demon of a man and i promise be good". But she didn't know that the said demon of a man was watching her right now and laughing at his little tiger. 

After a while, Lia became attuned with the schedule and work of her boss, she kept her real feelings aside and became the little secretary for what she was being paid for. Shaman had a poker face throughout the time but no one saw the hand which was clutching his suit pants, it was hard for him to not to soften his facial features for the woman he loved and was waiting for,  for such a long time. Lia assembled all her stuff and bid goodnight to her fellow colleagues as it was time to go home, she was still packing her bag when she got a text from Luke saying he was downstairs and waiting for her, so she hurried her pace. She took the elevator to the parking lot and found Luke's car, on approaching him, Luke hugged her tight and helped her sit in the car, it was all being watched by Shaman on his CCTV, he had already broken the glass in his hands but he had to endure this, he had brought this upon himself.

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