Are You Our Dad?

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When Elli first got to know that someone was here to see them, he had an hunch that this someone is somehow related to the man they met in the mall but when he came face to face with the same man, he was a little taken aback. Regaining his composure, Elli looked at the man and asked, "Why have you called me and my sister here?

Shaman was a little shocked to see him asking the question first but seeing that he didn't bring his sister here, his son was beyond smart and he felt proud just looking at his son's face. Crossing his fingers behind his back, he replied, "Do you know about me? What is your name? How old are you? 

Elli was still calm when he heard those questions and instead of replying, he asked another question, "Are you our biological father? Shaman took a step back, he did not expect his son to ask him this and from the look in his eyes he knew that his son had already guessed his relationship with him but along with the stern expression, he had pure disgust and hatred in his eyes. He felt his whole world collapsed at his feet because his own son hated him like this but he couldn't do or say anything because it was all his fault, he was the one who left his wife, who didn't love her, didn't care for her and now he was paying his debt. He was at a loss for words and could only nod at his son but his son's face was expressionless, there was no happiness, sadness, or aggression it was empty, seeing this crushed his soul. 

Elli's throat was clogged up but he still kept his spine straight and looked in Shaman's eyes before speaking, "We can't change the fact that you are our biological father but that's it, there is nothing more to it. You won't be a part of our life because we have a dad who love us and our mother, and will never abandon his wife or children. So, please don't call for me like this ever again and also stay away from my mother". After saying his piece, Elli left the room but the minute he came outside, a single tear rolled down his cheek and he couldn't wipe it because it was the hurt from knowing, he along with his sister were abandoned before they were born, their mother suffered so much just because of this man and now he had the audacity to call him like this. Elli soon calmed down and went to his sister, making some lies about paper work, sent his sister back to her class. Although, they were of the same age, Elli was one class higher than Cecily because of his high IQ. 

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