Yes To Luke

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For a moment Luke was flabbergasted and could only stare at her without focusing on rest of her words, he knew this day would come but he never assumed it to be so soon. He wanted a future with her and the kids and never thought the road to be easy but he still wanted a chance to show her that she could depend on him, trust him, and even spent rest of her life with him. 

Noticing that Luke was probably in shock Lia stopped talking and waited for him to digest the things she said to him, because at this point it was necessary for her seeing her kids calling him dad only made things more difficult. Finally, Luke's eyes came to focus and he spoke, "I know you don't love me and i also know that you know i am not your real husband but all the lies i said in the past was so that i could get a chance at life to live my life with someone i can care about. I know it was selfish of me but i never once thought anything bad towards you or the kids so i just want to ask for a chance, let me be your pillar, give me a chance to show you that not every love story is unfulfilled and if after everything you still could not return my feelings then i will disappear from your life without any objection". 

Lia couldn't object to his proposal because he was sincere and she knew their kids will need a father figure in their life even though she had no desire of a husband but then she thought it was time she thought about her future as well and the man before her was the best she could gamble for. There is no reason to wallow over a man who has broken my heart million times and just because of one man she doesn't want to put every man in the same category and the last several years had showed how different is Luke from Shaman. "Shaman", the name came to her mind for the very first time and now she didn't feel as much as she did in the past, the name felt like a stranger to her and she was glad that after all this time she was finally able to let go. 

She took a deep breathe and spoke, "I agree, lets give our relationship a chance but our return is fixed so lets start anew where everything ended for me". 

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