His Nightmare

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Lia looked at the man who claimed himself as her husband even though she doesn't remember a single thing about him. The reason she was living with him was because he had saved her and her kids, the kindness this man showed her was her first time witnessing it, she still remembered the time when woke up from her coma how this man had helped her with her nightmares and pregnancy. Even after their birth, her body was still very weak which caused her severe depression but he helped her by looking after her kids and encouraging her to fight her depression. 

She knew deep inside that he was not her husband but she still continued the façade because the kids and she herself relied on him, they were not bound by relationship but with emotions and this man was unconditionally kind. 

They left the place together each holding a kid in their arms to a small villa-like house that was built not far from the river, it was small but cozy and warm enough for all four of them. 

"Abel" Shaman shouted and woke up from his nightmare, it was same like all the others he had been having after her fall, every time he would dream of her leaving him for forever and he would wake up shouting her name. Shaman got up from his bed and took the half-filled glass of whiskey and walked to the floor to ceiling window. Looking from up here it had a great view except it was lonely to watch it alone, he chugged down the whiskey before throwing the glass across the room. He clutched at his bare chest and murmured, "Its enough punishment now Abel, please just return at once, i promise to be good this time, i promise to listen to you this time, i promise to devote my remaining life to you this time". 

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