Utterly Defeated

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She was clutching her clothes so tight now her nails were digging into her palm drawing blood but her focus was on the man who had betrayed her yet again. Before she could move, she heard the words that brought darkness in front of her eyes. He spoke, "Before killing her, I would personally kill her child and that to in front of her eyes, enjoying every second as I do it and then her downfall will begin". Thump! Thump! Thump!, the sound was echoing and she knew it was her heart that was getting shattered into millions of pieces and she knew this time she would never be able to recover. 

She was numb from her internal pain, she wanted to scream, to destroy, to kill but she was nothing in front of these wolves, she knew once again she lost the battle even when she kept distance, her fate was the same, she felt utterly defeated. 

The only wish she had was to live with her babies quietly and not bother with anyone but her fate was so cruel that in both the lives the love of her life has become her grim reaper, after dragging her body to the room, she looked around and touched her belly but shockingly her face was dry, it was like a desert but the pain she was feeling was excruciating. 

Even though it was a dead end for her, she wanted it to end it on her own terms, so she walked to the drawers and search frantically before she found the gun, holding it in one hand, she came outside of the room, it was dark like before but her vision was clear. She got to the hall and switched all the lights on, it only took a minute when two bodyguards came to check followed by Shaman's yelling. He was scolding them when his eyes found her and he asked, "Baby, why are you down there? Do you need something? Tell me and I will get it for you, ok?

He started walking downstairs when she stopped him, "Stop right there Shaman". "What h...." his question got lost in the way, when he noticed the gun she was holding and knew what must have happened, seeing her vulnerable state, he complied with her coming to a halt. She ordered, "Tell all of your guards to leave this place without their weapons" and when he didn't reply she shouted "Now" and fired the gun at the sofa before jerking backwards because of the force. 

Shaman knew if he didn't comply she would only hurt herself so he nodded at his guards and they left in a line, soon she heard engines moving and knew she got him. Now, she was facing Shaman and the look on his face was laughable and she laughed literally before aiming the gun at him. But the reaction she got from him was not what she expected, it was relief which irked her in various places so she could only think of a way and lifted her hand aiming at herself and that's when his face cracked. 

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