Its all meaningless now

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Abel became tired from all that walk and wanted to rest for a bit, she found a bench on the side of the road, she sat on it and started massaging her legs. Shaman was going home after work when he noticed a woman in lavender and before he could process anything he was already headed towards her. She was lost in her own world when she noticed familiar leather shoes shining brightly in front of her foot, she looked up and met with a pair of deep eyes. Seeing him like this, she only gritted her teeth, got up and wanted to leave here but due to the abrupt motion she became dizzy and staggered backwards. 

Noticing her state, Shaman immediately caught her waist and pulled her to his chest, again the same scent engulfed him, from the moment she returned he felt her smell to be familiar and his mind would go in frenzy. He suppressed his emotions and asked the woman in front of him, "What happened? Do you want to go to the hospital? 

Abel hurriedly hooked her head saying no and tried to get out of his embrace but he was too strong for her, she eyed him and spoke, "Let go" he reluctantly let go of her and said, "Come, I will drive you to your home". Hearing the word "home", Abel couldn't but sneer, "What home was he talking about as he is the one who had made her homeless" she thought. Even Shaman felt uneasy by the look she was giving him but Abel recovered soon, she took a step aside and flagged down a cab, getting inside it, she left without glancing at him once. She thought, "I don't need your hypocritical pity or sympathy, there was time when I only wanted a small corner of your heart but now whatever you give me is meaningless". 

Shaman felt uneasy in his heart seeing her leaving like this but before he could think more, his phone buzzed and he found it was Katherine texting him asking when he was going to come home. He looked around and went inside the car replying he won't come home because of work. He made his way back to the company as he needed some space. Abel reached the mansion and ordered herself a takeout, then had a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes. She got the time and venue to meet with the clients she was going to hand over the mansion to and tomorrow will be over for her in this city. 

But unknown to her someone was plotting against her, Katherine dialed the number and spoke, "Have you prepared everything? the other person spoke something which made her smile wickedly and she continued, "Remember to make it a hell for that woman" after that she hung up. "Abel! oh! Abel! you thought after knowing your secret I would leave you but you are wrong this time i will make sure you are destroyed completely that even after you escape you will still end your life with your own hands" she spoke to herself. 

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