The Chance She Wanted To Give Him

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Even after getting the note, Abel was just stalling because she really wanted to trust Shaman just this once, she wanted to give her kids the love of their father, she had decided that once he returns she will confide in to him. But time was slipping and before she knew, she was already on road, this time she didn't had to do anything, the whole mansion was drugged and her escape was easy. 

The man who was helping in her escape was driving the car and she was seated in the back, looking back the mansion was getting smaller and smaller in front of her eyes. It was a different type of forlorn feeling in her heart, soon they were out and getting on a rough road, she recognized that they were not on the right path and spoke, "This is not the way, where are you taking me? 

The driver laughed evilly before replying, "Well you are not going to board any plane Miss Abel". Her heart thundered in her chest and it dawned on her that she won't survive this ride if she didn't think of any plan. She tried to gamble, "Listen whatever Katherine is paying you, I can double no triple it if you take me back to the mansion". But the driver didn't budge and haughtily replied, "Who are you to negotiate with me? Do you think so little of Mrs. Shaman? Don't worry, i will make sure to give you an easy death". 

Abel knew she was not a manipulator but she had to convince him otherwise she would die in vain, she gulped nervously before speaking again, "Do you think Shaman will leave after finding that you killed me? Don't you know who i am to him? 

She was just biting the bullet when his reply threw her off guard, she heard him, "Miss, why do you think so highly of yourself? Have you forgotten what type of man Mr. Shaman is? Do you think he doesn't know that you are going to die today and most importantly why did you think you could mean anything to him when he already has a wife and a child? Do you know where he is right now, well let me tell you the past days, he has been spending time with his wife because she was suffering from morning sickness. Did you seriously thought that just because he was using you as his slut, you hold importance in his eyes?

Abel was shattered hearing the name he used on her, she remembered all the things he had done for her but at a mere call from Katherine would pull him from her and now she was thinking just stupid she was all the time to think of giving him a chance but before she could think further, their car halted abruptly, making her thrash against the seat. 

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