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Abel slowly opened her eyes and tried moving her body then she found she was on a hospital bed, she looked around and saw a nurse sitting by the window, the nurse looked at her and hurried outside. Soon a doctor came and the nurse helped me sit and made me drink water, he asked, "How are you feeling? I answered hoarsely "I am fine. Who brought me here? He replied, "You were saved because of Mrs. Shaman, she was begging her husband to save you and you were fortunate enough to meet her otherwise you would have lost your baby". Abel wanted to laugh at his words but hearing the word baby she regained strength in her body and this time she swore she will never show weakness to anyone in this life. She wanted to leave but the doctor firmly rejected saying, "Mr. Shaman had mentioned not to let you leave until he comes". They left and she looked around for her stuff thankfully her phone was still usable, she dialed her friend's number but before she could speak her phone was snatched by someone, she looked at the intruder and met with the very coldest eyes. 

Shaman threw the phone on the ground and stepped on it mercilessly when Abel lost her patience and scolded, "Are you out of your mind? Who gave you permission to snatch my phone? He laughed mockingly and spoke, "Pray to god that I haven't removed that dirt from your body and i have every right over your life". She spat, "How dare you call my child dirt? You of all people will never will have any right over me". Shaman was getting angry and spoke, "Isn't that a sign of betrayal in our marriage? You have a bast..." 

"Slap" before he could finish his sentence, Abel had used all her strength and slapped him across the cheek, she trembled violently but still yelled, "You have no right to call my child names and what betrayal? What marriage, it was just a contract and don't you dare forget what have you done during the contract period". He knew she was not wrong but just because of his pride he couldn't agree to her, he ordered, "You will recuperate here for one week and after that i will arrange a place for you". She was seeing red now, hate was one thing but he was practically imprisoning her now which was unacceptable, she revolted, "I will not live here or any place that you have arranged. I am going back, my stay has been outstretched". He grabbed her shoulders tightly and spoke, "You will not leave and I will make sure of that". 

Tears were already falling endlessly from her eyes but she had to stop him, she calmly asked, "Why are you doing this? You already have your wife and your child then why are you making my life miserable? Let's face it we both weren't faithful and now that our lives are currently moving on, why do you still need me as a captive. I also have a husband whom..."

"Shh dear, I know you never married he is just your friend and don't worry I will contact the company in Finland saying you can't work anymore as you are planning family. Now, be a good girl and rest, I will see you after one week" after saying his words he left. Abel collapsed on the floor sobbing, she felt like she was stuck in an endless whirlpool and she might never escape it. She walked towards the window and found several men in black uniform firmly guarding below her window and again she felt incapable. 

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