The white rose

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It was almost dinner time, when they reached the hotel, they were assigned for staying, Abel made her way to the room, it was a spacious room with a balcony attached, she went there and was mesmerized by the view. It was a beautiful garden filled with white roses, she liked these flowers because she could connect with it more than any other human being. She believed the color white can be tainted but at the same time, it can take any other color and dye itself in it completely, for her the white rose is the color of love because in love people forget themselves and turn oneself completely in the color of the person they loved. 

She sighed because now, for her, love is like a black rose meaning revenge for her because when she loved in return she only received pain. For tomorrow, she was all prepared because in this life one is bound to face their enemies and she was going to meet them soon. She hardened her heart and placed one of her hands on her stomach gently caressing it, she thought, "We will meet many people tomorrow and you will also see your father but sadly he won't be welcoming so just hang in there babies because you have got your mother". After ordering her dinner, Abel took a warm shower, even only sitting in the plane was hectic for her and because of her pregnancy she often feel tired, hungry and irritated.  

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