Reached Finland

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On the plane, Abel bade farewell to everyone she knew here in her heart, she had lived her life here and also died once here. Never in her dreams she could have guessed she would get to live once again, at the time she died, she was more than miserable, her husband didn't love her and on top of that had a mistress by his side, her in-laws never cared for her, even her only child lost his life before her, the only hope at that time was her son but fate wasn't in her favor she lost him before she could even name her child. 

The only person who loved her was his grandma, she was the only person who looked at her as a human being but she also died in front of her, before her death, she lost her everything. 

Now, she was looking at the sky while thinking about the time she met him, it was spring and for her it was the luckiest spring of her life, before marrying him, she knew he didn't loved her but she was persistent, she believed she could make him fall for her but at the end it was all her wishful thinking, that man, never even considered her his wife, for him she was just like a decoration that was kept in his house for show. Unknowingly she was shedding tears, it was her friend who offered her a handkerchief when she noticed her tears, she thought it was for the last time and let them flow calmly. 

She reached the place where she was going to stay for now, it was unknown if she will stay here forever or not but for now it was the best place for her to relocate as her friend had many connections here and here no one from her past life would hinder her life anymore. They landed in the evening and directly went to the hotel they booked for the night stay. It was a lavish hotel and from the interiors one could tell that only rich people would check in here. They got to their rooms when her friend reminded her of the meeting they were going to have tomorrow. Finally, she was alone in the room, she walked towards the window and opened it, there were many couples downstairs as it was a nice pool area below her window. She felt a little disappointed in herself as she could never win the love of the man she love wholeheartedly. It was as if all her hard work went futile in one second, she was looking calmly at the couples but her heart was unstable, all her life she only lived for a man but it couldn't amount to the love that man had for his mistress. She sighed, "Loving you was never enough, but now i will never have expectations from anyone, love doesn't exist for me and i am not meant for love". 

She repeated her thoughts and took a quick shower when her friend asked her out for dinner, they went to the restaurant which the hotel provided and had their dinner. 

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