Katherine was kidnapped

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The next morning, Abel woke up early, after getting ready she drank one full glass of juice and didn't wait for breakfast as she was going to meet the clients today. Also, she wanted to eat something sweet today, because of pregnancy her taste buds have become moody, while locking her main door, she was headed to a popular confectionary café. There was still time before the broker and the client came so she ordered herself some waffles, hot chocolate with some cookies, she was also browsing news while eating and also checked up on her flight time which was going to take off in the evening. 

She was done with her food and made sure everything was clean before they arrived, she took out the necessary files and placed them on the table when her guests came to her. They exchanged introduction and Abel was happy to see the old couple was such kind people and now finally some good thing happened to her in this city. Soon, the deal was done and she told them about her departure and they were going to move in tomorrow, she shared one of the key of her house while she kept one for herself. It was going to be noon so the coupled ordered some food while forcing Abel to eat before leaving, she was craving cheese now so she ordered herself a bowl of lasagna. The old couple was very cute and lovable, the grandpa kept putting food in the grandma's plate while the grandma would scold him saying they were in public and it put a smile on my face. There was a time when I wished that I would also find love to grow old with but here I am now on my own with my baby, she sighed and soon parted ways with them. She had eaten a lot so she was walking alongside the road for some exercise, it was the day time and because this was very deep on the road there were less people on the road. She was still walking when suddenly she felt someone behind her and before she could find it, she felt a hand on her mouth and her vision darkened. 

Shaman was working in his office when he got an anonymous text, he ignored it when his phone buzzed again and again and finally loosing patience he took it in his hands and read it. He became stiff seeing those but regain his composure again and dialed a number and asked about the credibility. A text came soon after and now his blood boil, he found a number and dialed but no one picked up, he got frustrated and swiped every thing from his table, his phone buzzed again and this time it was a video. He played it and found Katherine was tied up in some warehouse type place, he squeezed his phone as if to break it with his bare hand. 

He called his bodyguard and tried calling Katherine's phone and it was picked up from some man asking for ransom, although Shaman was emitting anger he still controlled it as he knew he could trace her phone easily but still agreed with the kidnapper. He was going to relieve his anger today and it would be a hell lot of blood he swore to himself, he contacted his squad and rushed to his car, while they were on the way, his finger tapped on his waist where he had tucked his personal gun. Soon, they reached the place, it was an abandoned warehouse deep in the forest, he deployed his men to surround the house while he himself made for the threshold. 

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