You Were Never The Other Woman

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Abel was scared to death seeing him coming on her like this, most of she felt disgusted that he would try to force her when he has a pregnant wife already. She couldn't push him with her legs as he had straddled her, she spoke, "Don't do this please, you know I am pregnant and this will be bad for my baby, please I beg of you". Even though she swear not to beg but in this position she was really vulnerable and couldn't think of anything else her baby's safety was the top most priority for her. Shaman glared at her as if he wanted to strangle her but looking in her eyes, he felt calm, it made him feel at home and he grabbed her chin making her stare straight in his eyes before speaking, "Don't you worry, before your discharge I made sure to let the doctors examine your body thoroughly and doing this won't harm the baby".

She almost chocked on her tears as she felt extremely scared right now seeing him so ruthless, in their time of marriage, he was never like this even when she wanted to initiate any physical contact he would coldly refuse her but now he didn't seem like the same man. Seeing her crying so hard he leaned his forehead on hers and spoke, "Please don't cry Abel, I am sorry I can't hold back myself anymore" and pressed his lips on her, trying very hard to make her surrender. Abel felt suffocated and opened her mouth to breathe, he put his tongue inside and sucked on her lips and tongue alternately, Abel bit him hard on his lips which made him pause and look down at her. Tears were still flowing continuously from her eyes, she looked so wronged in his eyes that he couldn't help but clench his hand on the bed. He was still trying to restrain his anger when he heard her, "Why do you have to do this? You have already married the love of your life then why are you ruining everything now. Why? Is she not enough Shaman? Don't you love her? In our marriage, you never lay your hands on me because you didn't want to betray her then why are you doing this now? Please don't make me the other woman again. Please, it was hard already and now by doing this you want to make my life hell again? We betrayed each other and let's leave it at that and I swear on my unborn child, you will never see my face again so please let me go". 

"No" he growled gripping her chin hard with a frowning face he spoke, "No, I didn't betray you, no I didn't, you have to believe me I never knew how that happened. Please you have to believe me I never intended to do it, never". He dropped his hand from her chin and hung his head low while Abel looked at him shocked, she knew very well that it wasn't his betrayal but her scheme that they were like this but she had to do it to keep herself alive and he never have loved her so her decision was right but seeing him before her like this she was more than shocked. Suddenly, he swung his hands towards her and she flinched, to her surprise he open the knot and freed her hands from his belt and pulled her to him making her sit on his lap. By reflex her hands locked behind his neck, they were so close that they could feel each other's breathe on their skin and Abel had goosebumps all over her body. 

Shaman swept aside her hair from her shoulder and hugged her tight speaking near her ear, "I am sorry for everything but you were never the other woman in my life, I know I had lied when I married you but that was because of different matter and it has nothing to do with Katherine. I only married her because she is carrying my child and it is my responsibility and I am clueless how i got to that hotel and met her. Believe me after that night or before that night, I had never touched her or thought about her that way so just trust me this once". Hearing his words, Abel felt guilty but it had to be done to safeguard her life, in her heart she felt relief hearing his words and it didn't take more to melt in his arms, he was the man she loved and witnessing his sadness, she couldn't help but lean in further. He whispered in her ear, "Baby, can I? She trembled hearing the word, he bit her earlobe lightly trailing kisses on her neck while she tightened her hands around his neck. 

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