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Its already been a week since Shaman's last visit and Abel was using every moment to her advantage, although sometimes her mind would wander to the night they spent together but every time she would force it down. While she was here she nourished her body by eating healthy and resting properly for her kids, she had no idea what was going out in the world as she was in complete confinement. 

Today was a very beautiful morning and she had her breakfast in the garden, basking in the sun, and talked about everything from irrelevant to random things and she got to know about the truck that brings grocery and other necessities here, she came to know the truck comes two days in a week and leaves after dropping the items. It was her only hope left now and she was already imagining her escape, she has managed to search the room she was staying in and was disappointed to find nothing to help her. 

It was evening when she was called for tea and refreshments and she walked outside her room to the dinning hall, as she was walking consumed in her thoughts she forgot to notice an extra presence there and when she felt a strong pull of desire, she directed her eyes towards the source and paused. Shaman was sitting there waiting, he was wearing casual clothes today and he looked handsome and when there eyes met, he smiled at her like they were a couple and he was her date. Something deep blossomed in her heart but she still maintained her stoic face when made it to the dinning hall, he immediately stood, pulled the chair for her ad helped her sit. He told the maid to serve them the things he brought and the whole was filled with all kinds of pastries, cookies, croissants, muffins, cupcakes, donuts and each looked mouthwatering except she didn't like vanilla or strawberry. 

Seeing his smug look, Abel spoke, "Aunt, please bring me a chocolate shake along with choco-chip cookies that you made yesterday". She emphasized on the word chocolate to make sure that man sitting here got the clue. Shaman smirked and told the maid to bring what Abel was asking and continued staring at her while she looked at anything but him.

"Come here" he broke the silence but Abel continued to ignore him, he spoke again, "Don't make me repeat myself Abel" he sounded angry but Abel was unhinged as she continued her ignoring act and before he could say anything more, the maid returned with the items Abel requested. Shaman spoke again, "Leave us alone" while Abel took one cookie dipped in the shake and took a bite, instantly moaning which got Shaman's attention and he gritted, "Come here right now Abel otherwise I don't know what I would do". 

Glancing at him, Abel knew she couldn't afford his anger so she stood and walked four steps to reach him and found him tapping his thigh and she found it ridiculous that he wanted her on his lap but one look from him and she knew she won't win against him, she gently sat on his thigh at the very edge but he pulled her closer to him by parting his legs making sure her legs were trapped between his. She gasped and out of reflex hold on to his neck and heard him chuckle, he looked at her lips and swiped his thumb over lips wiping drops of chocolate, bringing it to his lips and licking his thumb.

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