"I'll talk to him, let's go to his house right now," Taehyung tells them coming out of his thoughts. He also knows damn well there's no way they can separate now. 

Yoongi shakes his head, "no, I think you need to talk to him in private."

"We will talk tomorrow, but right now there's something to do," Taehyung husks smiling at his friends' confused expressions. "Yoongi take me to his house."

Without saying anything further, Taehyung walks out the dorm room with a confused Yoongi trailing behind. As for Bogum, he just sighs and lays down on the bed as his sister runs back to the bathroom and continue vomiting. 


Jungkook groans and as he opens his eyes focusing on his surroundings. Where am I? he asks himself.

My room again. Did the day restart?

"Jungkook, how are you feeling?" he hears Jimin's voice ask in concern.

"What happened?" Jungkook asks, holding my head as I can feel it pounding. He can see Jimin walking towards him, as he was sitting on the couch next to the bed.

"What happened is that you are a moron! Running into the oncoming traffic! If it wasn't because your great love saved you, you would've been hit by that car!" Jimin yells, his face red with anger. Well, there goes the concern.

"Taehyung saved me. Where is he?" Jungkook happily inquires. Did Taehyung perhaps change his mind?

"Who? You mean the alpha who rejected you? I'm talking about Justin, the love of your life. Who saved you even after you beat him up like a psycho. It's okay, he's not mad. Sometimes, omegas do that, when touched by someone who is not their alpha," Jimin finished gritting his teeth. He must be very upset.

"My love is Kim Taehyung. Don't ever say Justin again, you never have liked him anyways. I want my alpha," Jungkook tells Jimin, remembering how the encounter went. It's okay, he will try again. No tears. "What time is it? Is college over?"

"Yes, it's over for today. You hit your head pretty hard on the ground," Jimin says with furrowed eyebrows. He is confused about Jungkook's change in attitude. Before, he would've forgotten about himself and ran to find Justin, to make sure he is alright.

"Is Justin here?" Jungkook asks annoyed. "Justing probably only saved me to act like a hero in my eyes," Jungkook says rolling his eyes and watching Jimin's mouth fall open at his statement. 

"He is here," Jimin answers incredulously. He is staring at Jungkook as if he can't believe it's really him. 

"I don't want to see him at all. Tell him thanks on my behalf," Jungkook sneers and gets up to go out and look for Taehyung. However, he feels dizzy and just falls back on the bed.

"Told you it was a bad hit," Jimin says rushing to Jungkook's side. "Bad fall? How come I was the one who took the blow?" Jungkook questions knowing Justin did it on purpose to not hurt himself.

"I don't know actually," Jimin answers helping Jungkook back on the bed. 

"I want to see Taehyung," Jungkook says holding his head. Stupid headache. "You can see him tomorrow," Jimin says as tucks him back in the bed.

"I'm going to bring you food and you're going to sleep. I'm staying here with you. Tomorrow we can go find your alpha and mine," Jimin says with an eye smile.

"Fine, we already missed our first day. I am not giving up Jimin. I will not lose him to that girl, I will do anything he says to be with him," Jungkook whispers looking at his hands, fighting back any tears. No tears.

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