Chapter Fifteen

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Sophie had no idea what that conversation with Jasper was about. She had said something about something big planned, and that she'd get some sort of revenge since Sophie declined the offer to join The Prism. So, Sophie did what she usually did in situations like this: wallow in her room and try to come up with a plan or figure out what the opposing team was doing. So far, nothing had worked. 

Sophie decided to take a stroll down Havenfield, since being cooped up in her room wasn't helping much. She had walked down to the dark cave, not realizing what was going to happen if she did. 

Suddenly, arms squeezed her still, the sweet scents of sedatives stinging her nose. But before the effects of the sedative took place, she managed to yell, "Help!" Then the darkness took over. 


Sophie fluttered her eyes open to a dark room, resembling a rotting dungeon. Then, it hit her. Everything she had worked to avoid, came crashing down. She had worked months, to try to avoid the Neverseen kidnapping. Yet in the end, she had made the mistake of going to far out, and into the Neverseen's clutches.

"She's awake," a deep, raspy voice spoke. Gethen. "Get the sedatives," another voice said. Sophie instinctively shouted, "Wait!" Both men froze, Sophie having no idea what had occurred. Sophie, shocked by what had happened, tried to jump down onto her feet, but she was tied down. Then she said to herself, "Untie won't you!" Then, Gethen came up to her and untied her. 

Woah. What happened? How come she can now order people on what to do? This was seeming very similar to what Lady Gisela had done to Keefe for his legacy. But how come she was able to do it now? 

Sophie, not hesitating to waste another moments, ran from the room and tried to teleport to Havenfield. Sophie had thought it had worked, since she went into the void and came back out. But when she came back out, Havenfield was different. It looked eerily similar to Candleshade, and a warped version of Grady came out. "Sophie! Where have you been!" he shouted. But when she got a closer look at Grady, it was Lord Cassius. What in the world had happened? 

Sorry for not posting for so long! I had no ideas on what to make this filler chapter about, but I have big plans for later in the book.  Let me know what you think and sorry for the cliffhanger! I'll try to update soon, but otherwise, hope you enjoyed!

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