Chapter Eighteen

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Sophie took a deep breath and looked around at her surroundings. Just a second ago, she was in Biana's room. And now, Sophie was in her room, Biana next to her, continuously talking. Finally! Things are back to normal! Sophie thought.  

"-and so Maruca told me-hey Sophie? Are you even listening?" 

"Uh, sorry. Dozed off for a little bit. What were you saying?" Sophie replied. "What are you thinking about? Some way to save the world again?" Biana rudely said. Maybe I spoke too soon. This is not at all like Biana.

"Um, Biana? Are you okay?" Sophie asked. "What do you think Sophie? Of course I'm not okay! I need a friend right now, but you're too busy saving the world! Like that's what you do all the time! We never hang out anymore!" Biana, close to tears, yelled. 

"No Biana, its not like that. It's just, this whole warped thing. It's driving me insane, and I just don't know how to stop it," Sophie defended. 

"Excuses! Always. When I asked if we could hang out at Everglen the other day, you said you had battle training practice. When I asked if you could sit with us during lunch, you said you had homework. And when the Neverseen stroked again, you went alone at midnight. By yourself. Without any of us. And the next day, you were the celebrity. Admit it, Sophie. You like the attention. You want to be known for saving the world. And that's so important, you can't even make time for your friends," Biana argued.

"No, Biana, I swear it's not like that. You know what? I don't even know what you're talking about!" Sophie argued back. "Exactly. You're too arrogant now to confess your mistakes. You know what, Sophie? I'm done. Done with this friendship. Have a good life, Sophie. I'll always remember our friendship; I hope you will too. Except, you're probably too busy saving the world to remember," Biana yelled, then stormed out of Sophie's room. 

"Wait! Biana! We can talk this out!" Sophie exclaimed, running after her, but it was too late. Biana had already leaped to Everglen. "Ugh!" Sophie screamed. She didn't know what was going on, but it had to do with The Prism. They control the whole-time warp thing, and they're probably doing this. Maybe this was what they meant by revenge, destroying Sophie's friendships and driving her crazy. 

Sophie's blood boiled. She was angry, angry at The Prism. Maybe if she had just accepted their stupid deal, this wouldn't be a problem. 

Sophie hoped this was just another version of the warped thing, or else she had just ruined her entire friendship with Biana for something she didn't even remember doing. She'd get back at The Prism either way, she had enough of this. 

Warped-A KOTLC fanfic storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora