Chapter Four

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"So this is your-I mean-our world?" Sophie asked. "Yep. That's Eternalia, the capital city for elves," Keefe said, pointing to several tall, gleaming towers with shiny crystals embodied into them. Suddenly, memories triggered. The memory of Eternalia engulfed in neon yellow flames. Everblaze. Kenric. Dead. Fintan. REVENGE.

Sophie didn't tell Keefe about her memory recall, but asked, "Did Eternalia ever get destroyed by Everblaze?" Keefe's eyes widened and asked, "How did you know about Everblaze?" "No idea," Sophie replied. "But no, it never got burned down. Why?" Keefe asked. "No reason," Sophie said, thoughts quickly zooming through her mind. Was this part of her imagination? How come she knows things about a world she'd never been to?

She pushed her thoughts away as Keefe pulled out another crystal. A home crystal. "We have to get you to my dad. He's in charge of your case. Though it won't be fun meeting him," Keefe said when they arrived at his house. 

A very tall, dull looking skyscraper was the next thing Sophie saw. Keefe led her in as they walked inside the mansion. They climbed up many floors, until they stopped in front of a big, wide door. Keefe knocked. "Come in!" a voice said. Keefe opened the door and Sophie walked inside. 

She could see there were bookshelfs all around the walls of the room. A big thronelike chair sat in the middle of the room, in front of a desk. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss. Foster. I'm Lord Cassius," a tall, lean figure said. He was blonde and tidily dressed. The family resemblance matched Keefe and Lord Cassius. But Sophie didn't want to call anyone "Lord". 

"Hello, nice meeting you," Sophie said. She wasn't sure how to behave to an elf. Whether or not she was supoposed to curtsy, so she did. Just to be on the safe side. "Please take a seat here, Miss. Foster. And son, you can wait outside until we are finished discussing a few things," Lord Cassius said. Keefe walked out the door and closed it. Lord Cassius creepily glared at Sophie until he said, "I know you have many questions about our world. But first we have to discuss the first problem at hand. It's simply not safe to live in the Forbidden Cities for any longer." "What's the Forbidden Cities?" Sophie interrupted. "It's the place where humans live," he replied. "But why is it forbidden?" Sophie asked. "They violated the elf-human treaty a long time ago. Ever since, they're not welcomed in our world," Lord Cassius explained. 

"Anyways the matter at hand is, you can't live there anymore. It's too unsafe. The fires, toxicating life, and now that you've expirienced our world, you have to stay here," Lord Cassius said, his voice tensing at the mention of human lives. 

"So what does that mean for my family there?" Sophie asked, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "Was your family. You'll have to leave them. We'll wipe their memories of you. After this conversation, Keefe will take you back so you can get your things and say a last goodbye," Lord Cassius said. Sophie began to sob. She knew she shouldn't cry in front of him, but she couldn't help it. 

Lord Cassius awkwardly squeezed her shoulder to comfort her. "I know this information is hard to take in, but your life will be better. You'll start attending a school, get new adoptive parents, and start a better life here," he said comfortingly. 

Sophie didn't know what to think about this information. But when Keefe came into the room to take her to see her family for the last time, she knew this was going to be a hard couple of weeks. 

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