Chapter Twelve

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Waiting for The Prism to respond was even worse than waiting for the Black Swan to-Sophie couldn't always check in with Mr.Forkle to see if he had gotten a reply.

And Keefe was acting weirder with each passing day, not at all acting like his normal troublesome self.

And this warped thing was driving her crazy. Everyday, she had to go to Foxfire and relearn things she already knew. And she was constantly worried about when exactly the Neverseen would try to kidnap her like last time.

After two weeks, Sophie practically gave up, sure that The Prism wouldn't respond. Then one day, Keefe came up to Sophie and said, "Meet me at Candleshade after school." Sophie agreed to and met him there after Foxfire. 

"Glad you made it, Foster," Keefe greeted. "So why did you make me come here?" Sophie asked, annoyed. "Jeez, Foster. Why are you so annoyed? Well I wanted to take you somewhere. Come here," Keefe said, bringing her closer to him. He pulled out a leaping crystal, swirling with colors. They stepped into the light and appeared at a dark tunnel. 

"Where are we?" Sophie asked. "I'll tell you in just a minute. But first, we have to cros this tunnel," Keefe replied. 

The entire time, Sophie was trying hard not to throw up, as it smelled like sasquatch poop. Once they reached a huge metal door, Keefe knocked on it with a special pattern. I wonder how he knew that, she thought. 

The door finally opened and a female elf was waiting for them there. She gave them a small smile then vanished. Seconds later, Sophie could smell the sickly sweet scent of sedatives. Then, everthing went black. 


Sorry for that really short and boring chapter! I promise it'll get at least a little bit better the next part. But anyways, I published a new book called From Another Point of View. It's about a human girl who finds the lost cities and wants to stay there, blend in, and meets a cute boy. I hope you read it! And it's nothing to do with this book, they're in different universes. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter and read the next one!:)

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