Bonus #4

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Four years later

"Mommy, Daddy, Wake up"

I hear my children yell as they jump on my bed, trying to wake me up.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas."

I groan as I bury my face in Carter's chest, hoping he will take care of this situation.

"Mommy!" I sigh as I open my eyes and see my little girl climbing on top of my chest.

It has been four years since I had the twins. We had a boy and a girl. Alexander and Morgan Jones. Alex came out first, and three minutes later, Morgan made her appearance.

Carter was so happy to get a baby girl. While the two boys are definitely mamma boys, Morgan is 100% a daddy's girl. It is so cute. She has Carter wrapped around her finger.

She is definitely spoiled.

She is a spitting image of me, which I am thankful for because the boys look just like Carter. They even act like him, which scares me. Wish me luck when they get older.

Ethan loves being a big brother. When the twins were first born, Ethan wouldn't leave their side.
He would always be my helper. Whether I was changing their diapers, giving them a bath, or feeding them, Ethan needed to be there observing and assisting me.

When the twins cried, Ethan would try to calm them down, which melted my heart. He is definitely an amazing big brother.

"Yes, baby girl," I say to her

"It's Christmas, Mommy; Santa came. You have to wake up," she says as I start to sit up and see all the kids on the bed.

I told Carter after the twins were born that three kids were enough, and he agreed.

I love my kids, but they sure are some wild animals.

"Okay, Okay, I am awake. But it seems like daddy isn't. Better wake him up" I say to the kids and they don't hesitate to jump on top of Carter causing him to loudly groan.

The kids pile onto him

"Daddy time to wake up" Alex says

"Why" Carter says in a sleepy voice,

"It's Christmas. Duh," Morgan says

She is definitely my sassy little girl. Being the only girl, a very spoiled girl caused her to be a very sassy girl.

We are working on it. But for now, it's just cute

"Why don't you guys go brush your teeth, and I will try to wake Daddy up. But do not go downstairs without us," I tell them as they nod and run off to the bathroom

I scooch closer to Carter, whose back is to me, and start kissing his neck and caressing his arm

"Mhh," he moans

"Good morning honey," I whisper into his ear

He moves to lay on back and pulls me to lay ontop of him

"Good morning baby. Merry Christmas," He says in his morning voice.

"Merry Christmas," I say as I lean down to kiss him

"Come on let's go before the kids go down without us," I say, starting to sit up.

He pulls me back down so our chests are connected

"No," he groaned

"Cuddle with me" he demands

"Later baby, get up," I say and quickly hop off of him and head to the bathroom

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