Bonus #2

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After the wedding, Carter surprised me with a trip to Bora Bora for our honeymoon. It was like a dream. We had our own place on the water with no one around us for miles.

We did a lot of sightseeing, swimming in the ocean, and sex lots and lots of sex.

Let's just say if I wasn't already pregnant, I sure am now after this trip.

When we got back, we resumed our ordinary lives. Well, as normal as it can get.

We actually ended up buying a house. We decided it was time to get out of the apartment because we wanted to keep growing our family one day, and this apartment is not a place to raise kids.

After we settled into our new home, Jensen threw me a baby shower, and it was so kind of her to do it. All of our close friends and family came, barring gifts, and even though I told them not to bring any, none of them listened.

Jensen and Jason got us this mini jersey for the baby to wear, and I cried at the sight of it. It was so cute.

They are still going strong. Jason actually proposed to Jensen when we got back from our honeymoon. I found out he was going to propose on the honeymoon since Carter said he has been holding onto the ring since Jensen likes to snoop if she knows something is going on.

A couple of months after all the celebrations, we welcome our baby boy into this world on August 4,

Ethan Jones,

A whopping 9lbs and 6 oz. He was a big boy, just like his daddy.

We were in the hospital for two days after he was born. He is the cutest baby on this planet. But I am sure every mother says that about their child

When we finally got to leave the hospital, I was so nervous to take this tiny human being I made home. I don't know how to be a mom.

But, ladies, the hot dad walk is a thing. Seeing Carter carry the baby out of the hospital in his little baby carrier made me want to have another baby right then and there.

But little Ethan is now five months old and is the happiest baby in the world. He is always smiling and giggling, which makes my heart melt,

But once it's bedtime, it is like a demon possesses him

He cries his little heart out for hours and hours

Carter and I are both sleep-deprived, but it's worth it.

Carter has been the most amazing dad.

Whenever Ethan cries, he is always up taking care of him so that I can sleep

He claims I deserve sleep because I am with him throughout the day since he has to attend practices and games

I temporarily left my job at the garden to care for Ethan.

We don't have much family nearby to watch him while we both work, but I honestly am okay with not working right now if it means I can be with this little guy all day long

It is now 6 pm, and I am making dinner. I have Ethan in his baby swing next to me so I can keep an eye on him. Carter should be home from practice any minute.

I am stirring the pasta in the pot when I hear the front door open

"Babe, I'm home," I hear Carter yell

"In the kitchen," I respond

I hear him walk into the kitchen since my back is to him

He makes his way to me as I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he kisses my cheek

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