Chapter 36

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I make my way out of the locker room expecting to see Brynnley, but sadly, I am greeted by the most annoying person in the world

"Good game, handsome," Jessica says

"Thanks," I say, trying to end this conversation and try to walk away, but she steps in front of me

"Why are you trying to leave so fast?" she says as she blinks her eyes fastly

"What do you want, Jessica," I say harshly

"I want you," she says, and I roll my eyes

"Not happening. Now, can you leave," I say, trying to leave again as she steps in front of me once again

"But baby, I miss you. Nobody pleases me as you do," She says, grabbing my arm and moving closer

I take a step back, trying to get away from her, but that is not what happens.

She falls into me and connects her lips with mine.

Ew why the fuck is she kissing me. These lips are reserved for one person only.

I push her off of me and look up


I see Brynnley standing there behind her with tears in her eyes

"Brynn, this is not what it looks like," I say

Pushing Jessica totally out of the way

I speed walk towards Brynn, and she starts shaking her head and turning around, walking towards the exit.

I am now chasing her all the way outside to the parking lot.


"Brynn, please," I say again as she just keeps walking to her car

"Please wait. I didn't kiss her," I begged her, hoping she would listen to me.

She gets to her car, rustling in her purse

"Brynn, please let me explain," I say as I approach her

"Explain what? That you weren't just kissing that blonde," she says, yelling at me

Fuck, she looks so upset with me right now. I never want her to feel like this.

"Brynn, I didn't. Please don't leave," I say so quickly. I can't lose her

"Oh, I am leaving, and don't expect me to come back because we are done," she says, getting into her car and speeding away

"FUCK" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I am trying to figure out what to do.

I walk to my car, and that's where I lose it. I am crying. I never cry. But here I am crying over this girl who stole my whole heart, and I just fucked it up because of a crazy old fling.

Once I calm down, I start my car and just drive

I want to drive to her dorm, but I know it probably won't turn out well. I know she doesnt want to see me right now, and the thought of that kills me.

I drove around town for at least 2 hours when I finally decided to head home.

Home. It doesnt even feel like home anymore without her with me.

I texted her about 100 times, and I tried to call her, but it just went to voicemail.


I am still trying to figure out what to do.

I can't live life without her.

I get to the house and see the guys waiting for me at the door.

I didn't even want to talk to them right now, so I shook my head and walked to my room. I get inside and sit on my bed.

My elbows are on my knees. I place my hands on my face.

I hear a knock on my door, and I look up and see Jason walk in.

He sits down next to me on my bed.

"What happened, man? I get out of the locker room and see you kissing Jessica." He says to me

"I didn't kiss her!" I say defensively

"Ok, then what happened?" he asked, still confused.

"I don't even know," I sigh

"I leave the locker room looking for Brynn, and then Jessica is in front of me saying she misses me in bed. I give her one-word answers, and then she kisses me, and I push her off and see Brynn crying," I say with my head still in my hands.

"Fuck man, you gotta explain to her what happened," He says

"I know, but she won't even answer my calls," I say, tearing up again.

"Maybe give her some time. She will come around," Jason says, patting my back and leaving the room.

Fuck I need to explain to her.

we got Carter pov of the situation.

Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate every single one of you

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Word count - 790

Unexpected Love ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon