Chapter 38

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I am driving back to campus with Jensen. Last night, she convinced me to text Carter. I texted him, saying that we needed to talk, and he agreed.

We are meeting at the 2:00 pm cafe that Jensen and I always go to, and I am nervous. As time gets closer, the worst-case scenarios for how this could turn out are flying through my mind.

When Jensen and I return to the dorm, we unpack everything and get ourselves situated. Once we get settled in, I get into my bed and lie down; since it's only 12, I have some time before I meet with Carter.

"Hey, I'm going to go hang out with Jason" Jensen says while picking up her purse

"Okay," I say as I pick up the remote for the TV

"Are you sure you will be okay later?" Jensen questioned,

"Yes, I will be fine, don't worry about me. We are just going to have a simple conversation," I say

"Okay, but please call me if you need me; I'll be there within minutes," she says,

"Okay, Okay, now go I know your man is probably stalking your location as we speak," I say, shooing her out the door

She laughs and blows me a kiss

I close the door behind her.

I decided to take a nap to try and relax myself. I have lost so much sleep over this. I set my alarm so I don't sleep too long.

An hour later, I woke up and started to get ready.

I am wearing leggings and an oversized sweatshirt with black Ugg slippers.

I put a little makeup on just to cover the bags under my eyes.

I don't get all dressed up because what's the point?

It's around !:30 and start to head out.

Once I get in my car, it's only about a 10-minute drive.

When I pull up to the cafe, I feel all the nerves flooding my body.

I take a deep breath and exit my car.

I walk to the front door and open it

Once I step inside, I see Carter already sitting at a table

I make my way towards him, and he looks up and catches my eye

He looks different. He looks tired and drained.

"Hey," He says while standing up

"Hey," I respond back, standing in front of him Do we hug?

I decided against it and turned towards the empty seat across from him, and I saw he was sitting back down.



We both said at the same time.

"You go first," we both say again at the same time

Wow, you would think we have never had a conversation before. This feels so awkward.

"You start," Carter says, and I nod

"How could you do that to me after everything we have been through," I say, already feeling the tears puddling in my eyes. Ugh, I promised myself to be strong, but right now, I'm caving,

"Brynn, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. I would never kiss another woman on purpose. I don't want to kiss another person if it isn't you," He states

Okay, I need the whole story

"Why don't you explain your side of the story to me?" I figure I should hear him out before I jump to any more conclusions.

"Okay, so basically, after the game, I go to the locker room and do all my after-game stuff, and once I finish up, I leave the locker room looking for you, but Jessica steps in front of me," He says, and I huff. Of course, she has a name

"So you dated her," I say

"No, I would never. Jessica was just an old fling way before I met you, and I haven't talked to her since I met you, so I have had no contact with her at all. I was just as shocked to see her by the locker room as you were. I told you I have never dated anyone before." he says, and I signal my hand for him to continue

"Anyways, She steps in front of me, trying to talk to me about how she misses me, and I give her a bland response, still trying to look for you, but as I was looking for you, she grabs my arm and steps closer to me, and I was feeling uncomfortable so I take a step back, but she had stepped forward again with me, and she kissed me." He said

I widened my eyes in shock. I feel like a real douch. I really should have let him explain

"When I pushed her away, it was too late because you saw me kiss her and run away. So I didn't kiss her, Brynn, I swear on my life. I would never do that to you. I love you so much even to try to attempt to ruin it." he says as he reaches out for my hands and holds them, rubbing small circles with his thumb.

I stare at him. Really trying to make sure he is not lying

"Are you positive that is what really happened?" I ask

"Yes, yes, this is 100 percent the truth," he says

I sigh "OK."

"Okay?" he says back

"I believe you."


They finally talked!!
And she believes him

Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate every single one of you!!!

Sending my love

please comment and vote! I really want to know what you are thinking of unexpected love!!

word count - 928

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