Chapter 2

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As I made my way to my first class, which was about a 10-minute walk, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and found Sarah's name to send her a message.

Brynnley - Hey girl, can you cover for me tonight? I'm not able to come in.
-Message sent 7:48 am

Sarah was one of the first people I met at this job. She has become my work best friend, and we love to talk shit about all the drama that happens. If you want some drama, work at a country club, you will hear something about someone every day. I feel my phone vibrate, and I get a message back from Sarah,

Sarah- Sure! Ive been asking for more hours, which works out well. I'll see you tomorrow!
-Message sent 7:52 am

Brynnley- You are a lifesaver! Thank you! See you then!
-Message sent 7:53 am

I was kind of disappointed that Sarah said she could cover for me as I was hoping I could get out of going to this party. But remembering it's Thursday meaning, I have to work tomorrow. Maybe Jensen will accept that as my excuse to get out of going to the party.

Who am I kidding? Jensen would drag me to a party even if there were a blizzard outside. As I turn my phone off, I continue walking to my class.

I shortly arrived at Beaker Hall. I honestly was excited to take this class, even though it sucks that it's at 8 am. I sit down on the side closest to the door because one thing you should know about me is that I hate being the center of attention, so if I have to use the bathroom, I can sneak away without anyone looking at me. As I sit down, I grab out my computer and wait till my class begins. I tend to do a lot of online shopping in these long lecture classes. You can't blame me. I know almost every college student has done it. As class started, we went over the syllabus and all the essential information we needed to know for this class. I love syllabus week; we go over the basics and get into all the learning next week.

As I finish my classes for the day, I head back to the dorms, dreading it, knowing I soon have to get dragged to this stupid party. As I make my way to my room, I take out my keys to unlock the door.

I enter my dorm and stop dead in my tracks to find my dorm has been hit by a tornado. Obviously, it's not an actual tornado, but it sure as hell is close to being one. Jensen has torn apart both of our closets, with all the clothes and shoes scattered all across the floor. As I hop over the mountain of clothes, I see that Jensen is looking over what seems to be an outfit laid out on my bed.

As I was about to speak, I was cut off by Jensen.

"Before you say anything, I promise to clean this up, but after a long day of finding you an outfit, I finally did it," Jensen said with a giddy look on her face.

I stare at her, still in shock by the mess of our dorm.

"Is this what you did all day? Did you even go to class?" I said to her

Jensen looked at me like I was ridiculous, "How do you expect me to go to class knowing I had to pick you out an outfit for tonight? This was an all-day mission that is now complete."

She looked like she had won an award with that grinning smile on her face.

I shake my head and laugh, "So, what is this amazing outfit you picked out for me tonight?" I say as I wait for her to get the outfit ready to show me

Jensen runs over to where she has the outfit laid out.

"I know you want to wear leggings, but I think I have a better idea," Jensen said.

She holds up these light washed-out jeans with rips in the knees, A black crop top that looks like it's attached by just strings of fabric, and dirty black Converse. It must be Jensen's old frat shoes since she gets new ones every year.

I stare at it for a moment and nod in approval.

"I actually like this," I said, hoping she doesnt change her mind like she usually does

Jensen smiles. "Oh good, I thought you would hate it. Well, we have a while till it starts. Wanna pregame?" she asks.

"Of course I do, but I do have work tomorrow at noon, so I dont want to go too crazy," I said

Jensen nods. "Don't worry; we will be responsible tonight."

The second Chapter is up! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Be ready because this is just the beginning, and so much more is in store.

word count - 822

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