Chapter 30

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We ate dinner, and it had to be the most delicious food I have ever eaten. I finally got to try one of Tracy's famous cookies, and they were to die for. I now understand the hype. It's been a very long time since I had a home-cooked meal. My parents were never home when I was growing up, So I had to learn how to cook for myself, which mostly involved ramen and frozen meals.

After dinner, John and his family decided to stay the night since it was getting late, plus they wanted to help get everything ready for tomorrow since it was Thanksgiving.

Tracy got the girls showered and tucked into bed. John and Carter were in the Kitchen with a beer, catching up, while Lucy and I sat in the living room with a glass of wine, getting to know each other.

"So, how did you meet John?" I ask her

She grins "We met in college. He was majoring in law, and I was majoring in Education."

"Are you a teacher?" I ask her

"Yes, I teach Kindergarten, and I love those little munchkins so much." She says with a motherly smile

"When I got into college, that was my major too before I decided to switch to Marketing," I told her

I explained to her how Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, who were members of the country club, inspired me to change my major after I heard how successful their careers had become.

"That's amazing," She says

"Listen, I have to say, Thank you for being with Carter," she says, and I give her a confused look

She sees that I am confused by what she means, so she continues, " I have known Carter for a couple of years now, and he has never been with anyone. Never even talked about a girl. He has just been a hockey-playing playboy. I have never seen him this happy before. And the fact he is with you makes me even happier because after knowing you for this short amount of time, I already know you are the one he needs, and I know that we are going to be great friends" She says, and I stare at her in shock.

"Do you really mean that?" I say

"A million percent. You are it for him," She says, and I smile

Maybe he really is it for me.

We continued talking until the guys decided to join us. John enters the room first and sits down next to Lucy. I look up and see Carter. I smile at him, and he smirks at me

He sits down next to me on the loveseat, wraps his arm around my shoulder, and pulls me into his chest.

We all decided to watch a movie. Lucy and I convinced the boys to let us watch Twilight. They were not thrilled to be watching it, but they agreed because they knew it would make us happy.

During the movie, I look at Carter and kiss him on the cheek

"What was that for," he says, looking down at me

"Just because," I say with a grin

He kisses my forehead, and we continue to watch the movie while cuddling on the couch.

When the movie ended, we all made our way upstairs and headed to bed.

Carter and I went to his bedroom and changed into our pajamas. I wore black sweatpants and one of Carter's grey hoodies, while Carter wore grey sweatpants and no shirt. This is my favorite view.

We both lay down and got cuddled up under his covers.

"Your family is amazing," I say to him

"It's even better now since that ass hole is serving life in prison," He says

I start to get upset, remembering what happened

"I am sorry baby, I didn't mean to bring it up," He says apologetically

"No, it's okay. Your right. He deserves to be there for life," I say He gave me a kiss, and it was supposed to be a cute little romantic kiss, but it escalated pretty quickly.

He grabs me by the waist, and I am straddling his hips.

We are attacking each other like we are each other's last breath

He starts to make his way down my neck, and I pull away before this goes too far

"I hope you know we are not doing anything else but kissing," I tell him sternly

He looks like I just told him that he could never play hockey again

"But Brynn," he says whining

"Sorry, babe, but I am not doing anything else in your family home while your mother, nieces, brother, and sister-in-law are rooms away," I say, getting off his lap

He groans and falls onto my chest

I laugh at his childish antics

"Go to sleep," I tell him

He groans again

"Fineeee," he says dramatically

He gives me a kiss and sits up to turn his lamp off.

He lays back down and gives me a kiss

"Goodnight, love," he says, then falls asleep quickly after

Did he just say love?

Yup, he definitely said love!

Does he love me?


Does he love her? I guess we will find out next chapter! I hope you are enjoying this! I am having so much fun writing this story!

Word Count - 892

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