Chapter 28

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Damon sat in the study and went over the papers again. His eyes scanned them carefully as he decipher the hidden meaning behind the prophecy/legend. While nodding his head slowly, Damon narrowed his eyes as he read what it said.

A Salvatore will mate with the chosen one, a witch, and be able to continue the generation line. That the first born will become very powerful and signal an end of all supernatural creatures not being able to mate together or at all.

He sat back and wondered what could this really mean. Was it literal like he and Nick thought? Or did it have a deep meaning, like a soul searching mission? Damon wasn't sure about any of it, but he knew one thing. Elena wasn't pregnant. She was just sick with the flu. So, if it wasn't Elena and him. Who else could it be? It wasn't Zach. He practically lives like a hermit. So what other Salvatore could there be?

Damon interrupted his own thoughts and sat up straight. "No."He muttered, in disbelief, to himself. "No, way! It couldn't be possible. Stefan is the Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett might be the chosen one?" He said, in shocked tone.

"So, the leaves that day were you, Germone?" Stefan asked. "Yes, Mr. Stefan." Germone replied. "I sensed the darkness had come for Ms. Bonnie and I needed to keep her safe. Just long enough to make sure Ms. Marayana and Ms. Lillian come into the world."He explained to Stefan and as Sheila.

"What darkness, Germone?" Sheila asked with a concerned voice as she leaned across the table. Germone glanced at all of them before sighing. "There is a deep, darkness in the world that doesn't want the prophecy to come true. But it will, because they are the legacy of a new era. Not only in the supernatural world. But all of Earth." He says while pointing at Marayana and Lillian.

"To be able to join together and not be apart for fear or hatred of other monsters or creatures. But to love who you want and bring together beings from a light that Mr. Stefan and Ms. Bonnie both have inside of them." The Ogre-Troll told them.

"What are you saying, Germone?" Stefan asked the giant creature. "That Bonnie and I have always been pre-destined to be together and create our babies?" He asked, trying to wrap his head around it all. "You and Katerina Petrova and then Elena Gilbert were only one of several of your destined paths." Germone explained as the visions magically continued above.

"But out of all of those paths,  you  were to be destined to Ms. Bonnie. She is the witch, the chosen one with you magically, emotionally connect with. Your DNA and her are a perfect, supernatural match and the only ones who can start this off." He said before pointing his index finger to the air to create a airy vision of Stefan's love life from the first woman to Bonnie.

Once the path to Katerina Petrova and Ms. Elena kept failing and being full of obstacles, the path to Ms. Bonnie finally opened up for you." He explained. "Your first meetings with Ms. Emily and Ms. Shelia wasn't by accident. In fact through your lifetime you've have been linked by blood and past lives to all of the Bennett females. To lead you to your path to Ms. Bonnie. Deep inside, it's also what caused you to save your familial, your blood, Sarah." Germone said, causing Stefan to softly gasp at the mention of his biological descendant.

Marayana, Lillian, Shelia, and Bonnie looked at one another before focusing on Stefan. "Who's Sarah?" Shelia asked what others wanted to know. Stefan glanced at the wome1n3 and girls before him. Daughter, Mother, Grandmother/Great-grandmother. Stefan  sighed and placed his hands, palm down, on the huge, stone table.

"Sarah is my great niece. My descendant . She's the secret daughter of my descendant and distant nephew, Zach and his late girlfriend, Gail, who would have been married to him, making her my niece. They would've been happily raising Sarah, if Damon hadn't killed Gail." He said in a sad tone.

"Sarah's like Marayana and Lillian. Her father is white and her mother is Black. But Sarah's human and was adopted a long time ago. I compelled Zach and made him forget about Gail and her being pregnant with Sarah. I secretly had her privately adopted. And as far as Damon knows the baby died with her mother." He explained with a heavy heart.

Bonnie, Shelia, Lillian, and Maryana all stood up and moved over to hug Stefan. Listening to the news of a secret, distant relative that Stefan and the girls had. As the women and girls in his life, comforted him; Stefan couldn't believe what he just learned.

The darkness wasn't the only thing that he needed to protect Bonnie, Lillian, and Marayana from. Elena a d Katherine weren't his only destinies. Bonnie was his destiny. She was his destiny and his future. His chance at a happily ever after.

Learning that it was foretold in writing from a long time ago. That choosing the path to each other would gain he and Bonnie a life, in a world they never knew existed.


Gail backstory:

Actress: Tadasay Young

Zach Salvatore 

Actor: Chris William Martin

Sarah Salvatore 

Actress: Tristin Mays

Gail was the pregnant girlfriend of Zach Salvatore. She was later killed by Damon, but in the hospital, where she was brought by Stefan, Grayson Gilbert managed to save the baby's life, Sarah's one. Stefan later compelled Zach to forget about Gail & Sarah.




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