Chapter 22

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"What was that, Germone?" Bonnie asked as she sat up, still resting. "That was a servant of someone who knows you are the chosen one. And they also know if they can kill the unborn or take it for themselves out of you they can mold it how they see fit. Because once their born, they will instant bond with you and Mr. Stefan. And then nothing will destroy that bond. Making all three of you very powerful and possibly unstoppable.

Three weeks later...

It had been three weeks since Elena was sick. He suggested that she go to the doctor and get a full check-up. That way he could get confirmation without asking her to get a pregnancy test. He proudly waited until she came out and told him she had caught a new strain of the flu. Damon masked his disappointment until he realized that just because she wasn't pregnant now, didn't mean she wouldn't be sooner or later. He took her home and helped her get well. Once she was better, he would have sex with her until they got 'accidentally pregnant'.

Stefan sat down in his bed and sighed. He and Sheila did a lot of research and tried to search around the town and the surrounding areas. But no luck, it was like Bonnie had simply vanished into thin air. He grew frustrated, wanting to destroy something. "AHHHHHH!" He screamed before he reached and tossed a pillow across the room. Damon walked to the door and noticed his brother's face. "What has you half passed emo?" Damon asked before leaning against the doorframe, looking smug. Stefan rolled his eyes and huffed a breath. "Bonnie's missing." Stefan stated. "I can't find her." He groaned in frustration.

Damon shook his head and scoffed. "Oh, so your girl abandoned ya? Figures. I knew she would sooner or later." He said, laughing. "I mean really what did you even see in her. Hell, what did you two even have in common?" Damon asked, continuing to laugh. Stefan just narrowed his eyes at his brother while he tried to ignore him. "But then again, I did win this time, didn't I?" Damon boasted. "Win what, Damon?" Stefan said with attitude.

"I won, Elena. I finally won. I beat you brother." Damon said with a smug look. Stefan cut his brother a look before he spoke. "Yeah, Damon. You fucking won! Elena is all yours, bro! So, not looking back. So go gloat with your wife!" Stefan yelled and got up to push Damon out of the way. Stefan walked out the room and headed out the house to his car. He needed air and needed to get away from Damon before he punches the hell out of him.

It had been three weeks, her time, for Bonnie and she had learned so much. And she also got to watch her belly grow big. "How long have I been here, Germone?" Bonnie asked as she lovingly soothed her belly. "The track of time isn't like where you're from. But if you want me to tell you to ease your mind, you've been gone three weeks in your world. But in this world, it's been three months." Germone stated.

Bonnie's eyes went wide as she couldn't believe her ears. "Three months! Germone, I need to see my Grams and Stefan right now! They must be worried!" She said before easing down to sit, getting worried. Germone watched Bonnie rub her belly as she wondered how Stefan and her grandmother were.

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