Chapter 16

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One week later...

"Ahhh!" Elena said with a moan while she and Damon were tangled up together under the covers. "Uhhh!" He groaned out as he moved in and out of her. "I'm coming, Damon! Yes! Yes!" She screamed before she relaxed against the sheets. Damon released himself inside of her before collapsing on top of her. Their breathing trying to calm back down as he pulled out and then rolled off her to lay on his back.

"What a great way to wake up." He said as he exhaled a breath. "Yes, it was. Now, it's off to school I go. After all I would like to graduate."Elena said as she got up and went to take a shower. "I guess. I'll be there later!" Damon yelled into the bathroom. "I got a message about a mystical vampire legend someone found research on." He mumbled with not a care. "Okay!" She yelled back as she stepped into the shower. He continue to lay there, wondering what could it be that caused several missed calls last night.

Bonnie slowly breathed as she let her hands gently move up and down Stefan's back. His own breathing matched hers as they slowly moved together. His strong hands splashed about at her hips while he focused on her. He watched her long,dark lashes flutter in slow motion before she licked her lips. Stefan saw the tip of Bonnie's tongue dart out and caressed her plump lips, wetting them just enough to drive him crazy.

He leaned in and took possession of her juicy, perfect lips as their love making was about to climax. Stefan felt Bonnie's body stretch some while her head tilted back as she softly moaned. He smiled while continued to kiss her. His body moving with hers as they made love. She started to softly gasp for air as she could feel a strong orgasm come on.

At the same moment, Stefan breathed in some of her air as he held onto her tightly. He could feel his cock strain before releasing all the pent up emotions he felt inside for her. She was his now and after almost losing, he knew that he would fight to make sure she would always be his. If he had to, he would kill for her.

Stefan loved Bonnie that much. Not realizing how much until he almost lost her in that car accident. But it wasn't an accident and he still was working to prove it. The suspects had made sure they left no trace. Stefan knew that sooner or later they would slip up and he would be waiting.

She moved her hands up to Stefan's head, pulling him close. She buried his face into her neck as she wish she could meld her body into his just one time. That maybe the desire to always make love to him would finally calm down. But no, she had to have him as much as he had to have her. Both them know that the accident and her drinking his blood sealed them together even more than their first time having sex. As they came down from their orgasmic high, the couple collapsed together, knowing they were at the point of no return. Something they gladly accepted.

She opened her eyes and smiled at last night's memory while she felt Stefan's arm securely around waist. He pulled her closer, spooning her from behind. "You know we have to get to school in a few hours." She softly spoke. "And that's while I will make this quick." Stefan said as he slipped inside her from behind and worked her fast but quietly.

Damon went inside a bar outside of Mystic Falls and searched it until he found who he was looking for. He sat down next to a man with dark, thick hair under a baseball cap. "What do you want Nick?" Damon asked. "I found something you may be interested. It's about the Salvatore lineage." Nick said as he handed Damon a file.

"What lineage? Aside from my late nephew, Stefan and I are the only Salvatores left." Damon reminded him Nick sipped his beer before he smiled. "Well, judging from what those papers say, the family tree probably won't end with you. It's all I could find so far." He told him before pausing to stand and give him a pat on the back before he spoke. "Papa."

Damon watched Nick walk away as he glanced at the paperwork in the file. It was a copy of an even older type of paper. It stated that a Salvatore will mate with the chosen one and be able to continue the generation line. That the first born will become very powerful and signal an end of all supernatural creatures not being able to mate together or not being able at all.

He looked off in shock before beginning to smile. He instantly remember Nick calling him papa and he knew what he meant. It was about him and Elena. Elena is the doppelganger to Katherine. The chosen one so many have been after. She, of course, is the one destined to the mother of his child.

Nick was the top supernatural researcher in the world and a old friend of him and Stefan's. He decided to keep this information to himself for right now. At least until Nick can get the rest of the completed parchment papers.

Later at school, Bonnie decided to spend study hall outside getting some air. She didn't feel good and the elements around her may make her feel at ease. She walked to a near by wooded area across from the football field before feeling faint. She carefully sat down on a nearby huge boulder. Bonnie closed her eyes, mentally wishing graduation was already here.

She was so tired of high school and no longer had a friend in Elena. Her and Caroline were still okay, but she was always busy with Tyler. Although she was a vampire and he was a werewolf, they were deeply in love and usually kept to themselves.

Bonnie felt strange as she opened eyes and stretched out her left hand. All of a sudden the wind blew the leaves from the ground into mid air as she watched them transform into a being about eight feet tall. It looked like a male as it kneeled before her. She dropped her hand and the leaves all fell down, causing the creature to be no more.

Bonnie's looked at the ground wide eyed before she placed the same hand upon her forehead. "I think I came back to school too soon."

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