Chapter 21

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Stefan blinked a few times as he wasn't sure that he heard Shelia right. She watched the looks of confusion and shock upon his face and knew he thinking of something deep. "Stefan, don't lie to me." Shelia told him. "Huh?" Was all he could finally say. Shelia sat down as she gestured Stefan to sit down as well. "I am going to ask you one more time and be truthful with me. Or I will search your mind for the truth myself." 

Stefan glanced at her in shock before he opened his mouth to speak."You can do that?" He asked. She smiled and nodded. "There's alot to my powers you don't know about, Stefan Salvatore. Now, the truth."She demanded of him. Stefan sighed as he sat back and tried to find the right words.

Shelia watched him struggle with what to say. Shelia placed a hand over his and gave a small smile. "There's nothing I can do about it now, boy. The damage is done. But I need to know, because what you saw has a place in me asking." She softly told him. He glanced at her some before he started to nod. "Yes, Shelia. Bonnie and I were -. " He paused to sigh, before he spoke again. "Together." "Oh, no." Shelia said after glancing down to read more of the pages before her.

"Emily and our ancestors before her, foretold of witch mating with a supernatural being." Sheila read from the family book. "Once they were together, they would grow powerful." She said as she flipped the page. "Then arrives a deep darkness that will know she's the chosen one." She repeated from the pages.

Stefan sat up as he couldn't believe his ears. "What?" He said as he got up and went to look over Shelia's shoulder. "It really says that?" He asked as he stared into the book. "Yes." Shelia said as she pointed to where she read on one page before flipping to the other. "But that's all there is. I remember reading this when I was young, but never understood it." She told him as he moved back in front of her. "I'm guess you are that supernatural."She replied.

"But what about the creature that was made of leaves?" He asked. "How do you know what's in the book means that thing that took her." He said with worry. Shelia grew quiet as he waited for her answer. She leaned in and whispered. "Because, once Emily came to me ,when I was young, in a dream and told me that the witch would have a tall, huge creature that was ogre and troll mixed together who would take the witch. But before I could find out more, I was brought out of my sleep. I was in class in college." She told Stefan while smiling some.

Stefan smiled in return as he nodded and sighed. "I need to find this thing and save her, Shelia." He said while he began to pace. Shelia's smile grew wider as she watched the vampire remain focused in his pacing. "You care for her. Don't you?" She asked. Stefan paused mid-step and looked at the gentle woman before he exhaled deeply. "Yes, I do. I can even admit to you that I'm falling for you granddaughter. Is that okay, Shelia? I mean I know it's late in asking, but is that okay?" He asked as he went over and took a hold of her hands in his.

Shelia gave a simple nod as she looked into his eyes. "Yes, Stefan, you have my blessing. But first, we need to find her and save her." She said to him. Stefan agreed as they searched the book for someway to help them find Bonnie.

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