Chapter 10

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A/N: I put more fanon in this fic, so I have new prophecy put in that ties Bonnie and Stefan together. And Katherine will pop up to deliver the news, which Stefan goes to Sheila to get confirmation. But that's later. Here's the latest update.

Bonnie was dressed up in a new pair of slacks, off the shoulder blouse, and new boots that she bought a few weeks ago. She went shopping with Elena and wondered where she could wear the new outfit back then. Now on her official date with Stefan, was the perfect time to show it off.  She wore her hair in a French braid, completing the look. Bonnie exhaled away the nerves she felt before walking into the Grill bar and restaurant. She sat at a table deciding what she would eat. When a waitress came up, she was ready with her order. "I'm in the mood for a cheeseburger with the works, a small order of steak fries, and a coke." She smiled. "I'll have the same." Stefan spoke, causing them to both look up. The waitress glanced at Bonnie as she nodded with a smile. The waitress took their orders before heading towards the kitchen.

Stefan took in Bonnie's attire as he sat down. "You look amazing." He said with a smile. "Thank you." She replied, blushing as she looked off for a minute. "I mean, if I knew that you would look like this, I would have had us go somewhere else." Stefan said, causing Bonnie to shake her head while reaching over to touch his hand. "No, Stefan. This is just right. I just felt like wearing this. For you." She told him a shy tone. Stefan gave a slow nod as he stared at her with heat in his eyes. "Well, I want to say it's greatly appreciated. Bonnie, you are so beautiful." He whispered and he linked his in hand in hers. "You two are really going through with this?" Elena spoke from behind Stefan.

Bonnie looked up and Stefan turned around to see Elena and Damon, hand in hand, looking at the two of them. "I could ask the same about you two." Stefan reminded her. "Stefan, enough of this. Okay, you win. You got me back, by apparently fucking my ex-best friend. I thought you were so much better than the petty stuff." She said as Stefan stood up and faced them both. He kept his gaze upon Elena as he spoke to Damon. "Bro, do me a favor? Keep your girl away from mine." 

Elena pursed her lips together as she tilted her head. "Why, Stefan? Plan on hurting me?" She asked him. Stefan saw out the corner of his eye, the waitress come back with his and Bonnie's food. "No, I won't do a thing. But my girl is another story. And when she does, I'm going to sit back and watch. Now, if you'll excuse us." He said as he sat back down and faced his date. "We were just about to eat and enjoy our date." Stefan said while grabbing his burger to take a bite.

Bonnie kept quiet as she bit into hers, putting her focus on Stefan. Elena narrowed her eyes before rolling them as she tugged on Damon's hand, leading him off. Bonnie took a sip of her soda before speaking. "Your girl?" Was all she said as Stefan swallowed his food and shrugged. "Well, I know we just started this, but I was hoping yeah. If you want to be. Besides, I seem to be in the market." He told her while they continued to eat.

Bonnie paused from her first thought to say another. "So, I am just a replacement for Elena?" She asked in, trying to mask the hurt in her voice. Stefan got up from his seat in the booth and moved next to Bonnie before he cupped her face in his hands. "No, you're not." He softly said while shaking his head. "You are so much more than her or anything like her. Everything I felt last night was purely between us." He said in a husky voice. "And after last night Bonnie, I can't get you out of my head." He told her while slowly leaning closer. "The thing is I hope I never do." He admitted before kissing her as Elena and Damon watched on, from their seats, in disgust.

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