Chapter 13

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Stefan slept in a chair by Bonnie's bedside as his hand was linked into hers. The deeper asleep, the more he could begin to hear her in her mind. Stefan! Stefan! Bonnie called to him. He appeared in what looked like the forest where Emily used to appear to Bonnie. "Bonnie! I'm here!" Stefan called to her while searching around the dark wooded area. "Just home in on my voice, Bonnie!" He yelled, before turning around to see her standing before him. He jumped at the sight of her.

Her eyes were rolled up and in the back of her head before she began to bleed all over her face and her body. He shook his head by grabbing onto her arms. "Bonnie! What happened?" Stefan asked as he searched her face, through the blood. "I was in an accident. I think I died. I feel so dead and lost Stefan." Bonnie said, crying blood tears. Stefan couldn't believe what she was saying. 

He lightly shook her as he spoke. "You aren't dead, Bonnie Bennett! I saved you! I got there in time! I gave you my blood as your heart was trying to stop! You are in the hospital! I'm by your side! Your Grams is on your other side of the bed with us! Come back to us, please!" He begged her as he began to shake her harder.

Stefan had to get through to her. "Bonnie, you know how I feel about you. I want you to come back and be with me! Please!" He continued to plead as he continued to shake her. Bonnie's eyes began to roll back, letting her see him much clearly. The blood began to disappear, and she grew tired and weak. "Stefan?" She said in a soft voice before she passed out. Stefan caught her and pulled her into his arms, holding her close.

"That's it, sweetie. Just rest and come back to us. I promise I will find whoever did this and make them pay." He told her as he soothed her so. Stefan watched Bonnie snuggled in his arms while feeling the sun on his face. He looked up and saw the sun as it shined brightly above them. The forest then disappeared as Bonnie appeared to be sleeping deeply, back in the hospital bed and the room. Stefan felt himself come out of his deep sleep, still feeling the sun upon his face. He glanced at Sheila, now sleeping on the other bed in the room.

Stefan noticed his hand still holding Bonnie's, when he noticed a faint squeeze from her fingers. He gave a small smile before he leaned closer to whisper in her ear. "Thank you for listening to me. For fighting to come back to Sheila and me. I want you to know I plan on making up for lost time. Once you're better." He told her before kissing on her lips. Stefan then stood up and stretched.

Sheila started to wake up as he reached for his keys. "Going, Stefan?" She asked as she stretched some. "Just for a bit. I want to make sure that I get started on finding out what happened to Bonnie." He spoke. "Good," Sheila said before closing her eyes and heading back to sleep. Stefan quickly headed to his car, so he could hurry home to see his brother and his ex.

Elena and Damon finished making love in the shower before hearing sounds coming towards the bathroom door. There was a knock, before it was open without a care. "Hey!" They both said as they looked out the shower to see a very angry Stefan standing there. "Elena, get out here now!" Stefan demanded. "For what, little brother?" Damon asked in a snarky tone. Stefan half rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Not talking to you, Damon! This is business between my ex and me. So, stay out of it!" He yelled at Damon.

Stefan feeling irritated, tossed two towels towards Damon and Elena. They grabbed the towels while Elena turned the water off at the same time.  They both started to wrap themselves up before stepping out. "What do you want, Stefan?" Elena asked as she barely glanced at him. "I want to talk to you alone." Stefan told her in a demanding tone. "Stefan, I suggest you tone down the bitchiness you're carrying on your shoulder and talk to her right." Damon said as he got frustrated with Stefan.

Damon glanced at Stefan while stepping up to block Elena from him. "You can't talk to her without me. We're a package deal now." Damon told Stefan. "What in the hell are you talking about?" Stefan said as he made a face. "You've been her fuck buddy for a few minutes and now she can't talk with you being present?" He asked in disbelief. Damon gave a smirk as Elena folded her arms over the towel covering her chest. "No, I've been her husband since last night." He said, flashing his wedding ring next to his other ring. "And that gives me the right to tell you that you can't speak to my wife without me being here."

Stefan watched Elena show her newly acquired wedding band next to Damon's while they looked so smug. Stefan's blue eyes went wide as he couldn't believe what he just found out. Damon and Elena are married.

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