Chapter 3

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They sat there while he finished telling her the sorted details. Well, all but one. One detail Bonnie was itching to know but respectfully didn't ask. Stefan noticed she had let her guard down, letting him read her mind to hear her wonder. "Yes, they actually had sex and slept together." He said to her, with a sigh. Bonnie looked at Stefan as she arched a brow. "Excuse me?" She said as he gave a small smirk, looking down at his lap. "Sorry, I couldn't help it. You let your defenses down and I got to read your mind for a change. I heard what you were thinking and answered it." He explained. Bonnie narrowed her eyes as she shifted in place. "Well, I would kindly ask you to please not do that again." She softly said before she began to blush under her brown skin.

Stefan chuckled a bit at Bonnie getting flustered as he welcomed the change of topic. "So, you plan on letting your thoughts be free to me, so I'm able to read them." Bonnie noticed a relaxed, small smile that played upon his lips as she rolled her brown eyes and lightly shook her head. "Uh, no. I'm trying to let you know just not to do that. Invasion of privacy." She told him before fighting a flirty smirk from appearing on her lips. "So, Bonnie Bennett, what deep dark secrets do you hold inside of that pretty brain of yours?" He asked while moving up close to her. 

"Nothing special. Just trying to be a typical teenager with super, secret powers. Not trying to let the world know I am a kick ass witch." She replied, lightly joking. "I see." Stefan said as he leaned, letting his face invade her space. "I think there could be a bit more." He told her letting his blue eyes stare into her brown one as he noticed how slowly her lashes fluttered. "If you let see me yours, I'll let you see mine." Stefan said, feeling flirty himself. "Why, should I?" She asked him carefully, fully aware of how dangerously close they were. 

"Because we're up, bored, and it will take my mind off my problems. You know, to see that someone has it worse than I." Stefan admitted. "I don't know." She said with hesitation as he smiled and reached for her hand to place at his temple. "See, I'll even go first." He told her as they both closed their eyes. Bonnie felt and saw what his secret was. Loneliness. To be truly alone, wandering aimlessly about the world. Whether human or vampire, no one would truly want to be with him.

Bonnie let her hand drop from his head as she thought about how hard it was for him. That his gift was his curse and the only was to be truly free from it was to die. But the problem was he wanted to live. Stefan watched Bonnie's expression change, playing upon her beautiful, brown face. He always noticed the simply, beautiful things about her. Bonnie's deep-thinking expressions is something he'd notice from time to time, even when he was with Elena. 

He lightly shook his head, trying to get rid of the thought of his ex as he focused on the beauty before him. She was still deep in thought as he placed his hands on both sides of her head. Stefan saw everything as a flash, from her childhood to now. He thought there wasn't anything that would count as secret, deciding to release her. Before he did, one thing was slow in playing as it creeped up from the shadows of her mind. It was of her staring at Elena with Damon, the night at the church. 

It was after Damon bit her and tried to drain her. Her thoughts went to when Elena was her friend and hoped she'd save her.  But when she called to Stefan for help, he instantly came. A flash of memory reminded him of when he made her drink his blood, she felt what he felt. She saw what he saw. She even flashed memories of him and her Grams. But what happened after, surprised Stefan. 

Bonnie got home, tried to shower, and get ready for bed, wishing to forget the night ever happened. She closed her eyes; replaying over and over until she could hear Stefan's voice in her mind soothing her from when he fed her. Caring and relaxing her heart until she fell asleep. As she slept, Bonnie began to dream of Elena and Stefan kissing. But as the kissing got deeper Elena was replaced with her kissing him. Stefan pulled back in surprise as his blue eyes flew open. Bonnie opened her brown ones quickly to stare back at a very surprised Stefan Salvatore.

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