Chapter 5

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As the two kissed, time stood still. Literally, it stood still. Bonnie made everything freeze but the two of them. She let her hands move up to his hair. She always wanted to touch it, to see how it felt.Curiosity got the better of her whenever she looked his way or at him. And surprised to feel that it was soft, yet spiked up. Bonnie felt Stefan's hands move to her hips slowly as it seemed like he didn't know what to do. What's wrong? She spoke to him in her mind. I don't want you to regret this. I don't want you hate me if I do something you may regret me doing. He told her in his mind. Bonnie broke the kiss as she stared at him.

Stefan finally noticed how still everything was. "I see you're practicing." He told her as they stood before one another. "Yeah, I have. Now back to what you were saying. Thinking. You know what I mean." She said as she tried to calm her breathing. Stefan smiled some as he looked into her face trying to think of how to say his words carefully. "I'm not saying this because of what I went through, but because I want a chance to see if we fit." He said as he stepped away from her before turning his back. "We fit?" Was all Bonnie could mutter. "How could you try to see that?" She looked down at her bare manicured feet before she looked back up and gasped to see he was in her personal space.

"By letting us put aside all that we both know and just take it as it comes." Stefan whispered as his mouth was inches from hers. " Do you know you taste like peaches and honey?" He said against her lips. Bonnie remained still as she slowly nodded, letting her mouth slide up and down against his. "Bonnie, can I have just one night? Tonight." He asked her. Bonnie's brown eyes looked into his eyes before she narrowed them in confusion. "You asked that already. And I told you my answer was of course." She said as he stopped her from talking by kissing her in a long peck.

He pulled away and shook his head as he took smoothed her hair from her face. "No, that was different. This time I am asking as someone who wants to touch you, feel you, explore all that is you." He said before he watched her give a terrified look at him. "Not sex, Bonnie. I just want to discover you. Who you truly are." Bonnie crossed her arms as she arched a brow at him. "And who may that be ,Stefan?"

"A beautiful, sensational, young woman with deep hidden desires that are waiting to come out." He said as he made her feel like the air was getting thin. "Stefan, what has gotten into you?" She said as she stepped aside, unsure about this version of him. Stefan looked at her before he looked around to see that in and out of the room time was still frozen. He sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed,clasping his hands. "I'm tired of being the good guy. The good brother. The vampire with a soul." He stared up at her for a minute before he went back to observing his hands. "I was always the cautious one, the dutiful son, the good one, the obedient one. Until Katherine. And in that slip of a mistake in falling for her, I got to be a bad boy until all was lost."

Bonnie sat next to him as she looked over at the sadness that fill his face as she cleared her throat. "You are a good guy,Stefan. You are you. I mean I would rather have one you over a million of your brother or any other per- vampire."She corrected herself. He looked up and smiled sadly. "Well you , my dear Bonnie, are in a class all by yourself. I think if I was like my brother more, I wouldn't be here crying on your shoulder in the middle of the night." Bonnie leaned her head against his shoulder and eased his hands apart, before taking his left one in her right. "Screw, Elena and Damon." She muttered with attitude. Stefan glanced from their hands holding to her face as he chuckled. "Bonnie, I didn't think that you had that in you."

"Well, I do. Especially when someone I care about has been hurt or wronged." She said. "And besides, I like guys that I am interested in to be good. Bad boys are a totally turn off. And a dime a dozen as you can see from the males in this town." She laughed, causing him to laugh as well. Stefan relaxed some as he nodded."True." He sighed ,feeling content and somewhat better. "Well, I think I have talked you ear off enough. I don't know what I was thinking tonight. In all the crazy things I said to you, I apologize." He said , standing up and leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. "Good night, Bonnie."

Bonnie reached out for his hand again as she held his attention. "Where are you going?" "I may just hang out in the woods until I think Elena is gone." He said as she quickly shook her head, her hair all over. " No, I meant what about our 'just one night' we had planned." She stated. "I won't hold you to it." He said as she pulled him back to her so fast, he landed on top of her. Soft groans filled the space between them. "I want that night Stefan. And I want it with you." Bonnie softly spoke. "And I know you still want it too." She said before she pulled his face down and kissed him deeply, before they rolled into the bed together.

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