Chapter 18

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Damon got Elena home and into bed with her flu-like symptoms and constant throwing up. He made sure she was comfortable and had everything nearby on the nightstand . Damon watched her rest as he remembered what Nick told him about his family tree not ending with him and Stefan. Elena symptoms reminded him of pregnancy symptoms. It had been forever since he could remember any woman he knew pregnant, but the nausea, throwing up, weakness, fainting, certain parts of her body being sensitive and tender. It all spelled one thing. That Elena was pregnant. Pregnant with his baby and the newest Salvatore heir. An heir to change the entire world. He smiled as he watched her peacefully sleep.

Bonnie told her Grams that she was feeling a little better and wanted to get some more medicine before it got dark. Bonnie remained focused as she drove out of town to a store and picked up several items. Some nausea medicine, some Nyquil, Crackers, Gingle ale, Kit Kat candy bars, and a very accurate pregnancy test. She quickly paid for it before heading back home. Her it was dark by the time she pulled into the drive way. She walked in and saw her Gram wasn't in the living room. which meant she was upstairs in her bedroom. She hurried upstairs to her room and locked the door before tossing the bag on the bed and pulling out the test and the drink. Bonnie drank the ginger ale while reading the test's instructions. By the time she was ready, she went into her bathroom and then followed the instructions. She placed the test on the sink's counter while flushing the toilet and washing her hands. She then sat down and waited .

It had been five minutes signaling time was up. She nervously read the back of the box one more time before glancing at the stick. She stared at the digital words read, Pregnant. Bonnie sat on the toilet seat's lid as she tried to figure out how in the world was she pregnant by a vampire. This stuff just doesn't happened. It's like impossible. She wondered will the child be a vampire or a witch? Or will it be human.

She shook her head as she couldn't tell anyone about this just yet. She didn't even believe it and yet it was true. Bonnie closed her eyes as she started to whisper. "Germone." Suddenly a cool breeze blew past the back of head and into her room. He appeared to her as six foot airy being, causing her to stand up and walk to him.

"Yes, Miss Bonnie." He greeted her, giving an slight, airy bow. "You called?" He asked. She nodded as she held out the stick. "Yes, I did." She spoke softly to him. "I found out you were telling the truth. I am pregnant." She told him, holding the pregnancy test out. "Of course, Miss Bonnie. I would never lie. And I would never lie to you or Mr. Stefan." Germone said.

"Well, that's just it. I need to know what would happen if someone found out I'm pregnant." She asked him. "Well, you can tell anyone you want. Because you are with child." He told her. "But shouldn't I worry about someone bad trying to hurt me or my baby? After all, you said all of the about the legend and prophecy the will become very powerful and signal an end of all supernatural creatures not being able to mate together or at all. That means this will be a very powerful and / or valuable baby. Right?" She stated as he gave a slow nod. "Yes. Yes, it will." Germone agreed.

"As long as you can reach your birth time, your baby will be fine." He told her. "Well, how long will that be nine months? Ten months?" Bonnie asked as he shook his head. "No, its not like human/mortal births. But it's the equivalent to one." Germone said. Bonnie stepped up closer and looked up at him. "How long, Germone?"She asked him again. " Three months." Germone replied. "Three months!" She said a bit loud, before she calmed down some. "Three months?" She repeated in a whisper. "Yes, each human month will equal three months." He stated.

"Well, do you know if it's will be a witch or a vampire or human?" She asked. "No, the prophecy does not say." He said. Bonnie looked off as she knew what she needed to do. "I need to you guard this. She said as she ran back to get the box and put the stick in it before handed it to Germone. "I don't want anyone to know yet." She told him.

Germone bowed as he spoke. "Yes, Miss Bonnie. Anything else?" He asked. "Yes, I need you to take me with you and help me learn all I need to know about this legend and prophecy." She said. "As you wish." He said as he watched her grab the shopping bag and put some clothes in a duffel bag. Germone held out his airy hand. Bonnie put hers in his and let him close his hand around hers before they both vanished.

Stefan had finally spent some time in his room after a long day at school. He looked for Bonnie but was told she went home early. He went to see her and Sheila lead him to see Bonnie deep asleep. He felt that she was in good hands with her Gram and decided that he would give her a break for a few days. Stefan needed to sleep in his own bed for a change and was just about to do that when Damon knocked on his door.

"What?" Stefan mumbled as Damon opened the door with a big smile on his face. "I have some great news." Damon stated. "What is it now, Damon?" Stefan said as he closed his eyes and turned over, away from his brother. "Elena's sick." Damon said. Stefan opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder as he spoke. "And you're happy about your wife being sick?" He asked him. "Yeah, I am." Damon said. "Well, there might be something going around. Bonnie went home sick from school today, too." Stefan mumbled. "Well, my wife being sick is a good thing because of why she was sick." Damon said as he sat on the end of Stefan's bed with the papers Nick gave him.

Stefan shook his head lightly as he closed his eyes as he moved his head back on the pillow. "Will you just spit it out, so I can get some rest, Damon." Stefan said, getting irritated. "You brother are about to be an uncle. Elena's pregnant." Damon said in an actual joyful tone. Stefan's eyes popped open before he turned around to face his brother. He sat up and arched a brow. "How? Besides the fact it's impossible." Stefan said. "Not according to Nick. He found something about a legacy or a prophecy. Here, read it." Damon said as he handed the papers to Stefan.

He sat completely up as he read what was copies of parchment papers while Damon proudly sat there waiting for him to finish. Stefan read the last page as he glanced from the sheet to his brother's face. "If this is true-." Stefan began when Damon cut him off. "It is true." He said. " If it is true," Stefan repeated. "This means that Elena is carrying one powerful and valuable baby." He said in surprise.

"Yeah," Damon grinned. "And we'll know more, if Nick can find out via extra research." He said, feeling happy. Stefan nodded his head as he agreed. "If this is all true, Supernatural creatures everywhere can reproduce instead of trying to turn a human who don't want that. Werewolves ,vampires , or what ever. Yeah, that baby is going to be very valuable to everyone once this gets out." Stefan said with a look of amazement.

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