Chapter 24

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After dinner, Bonnie sat with Germone. They faced one another with their hands up and palms open, together. She closed her eyes and opened her mind to send a message via psychic link to both her Grams and Stefan.

Sheila and Stefan were still at her home, working on a way to find Bonnie when they both heard a voice in their heads.

Grams.   Stefan.

They both glanced at each other, speaking at the same time. "I can hear Bonnie!" They said in unison. Sheila and Stefan sat together at the kitchen table that was covered with books ,scrolls, and maps.

I'm okay. I was whisked away because a new, ancient type of evil is after me. Well, it's new to me. And it's after more than me. I'm pregnant.  I'll explain more, when it's safe to come back. I promise. I love you both.

"Did you get that, Stefan" Sheila asked. "About her being pregnant and something taking her away because of something evil after her and the baby? Yeah, I got it." Stefan said in a huffed breath. Sheila began to tear up, growing worried. "Stefan, what can we do? How can we help her and the baby when we know nothing?" She spoke in a sad tone.

Stefan reached a hand over and gently covered one of hers in comfort. "We'll find a way, Sheila." He told her. "We just need a bit more information to start with." He said, exhaling in frustration. "How about starting with us?" Two soft voices said. Stefan and Sheila turned towards the sound of the voices and saw two beautiful little girls. One was dark brown skin with dark brown curly hair in a puffy ponytail and clear, bright, blue eyes. The other girl was fair skinned with a slight tan with light brown curly hair and the same bright, blue eyes. They stood in the kitchen's doorway, staring at Sheila and Stefan.

"Who are you?" Sheila and Stefan spoke in unison once more. The girls walked towards them and started to smile. "My birth name is Marayana Sheila Emily Bennett Salvatore. But I mainly go by Marayana Bennett." The fair skinned girl said, introducing herself.  "And I am Lillian Sarah Abigail Bennett Salvatore. But I go by Lillian Bennett." The brown-skinned girl said. "Marayana is named after you and Emily. I'm named after Sarah and Abigal." She explained.  

"We're your great-grand daughters." Marayana said to Sheila. "And his twin daughters." Lillian said, looking from Sheila to Stefan. "And our mother is Bonnie Bennett." She added before her sister continued. "We need your help. Both of you. Because we're about to be born." Marayana told them. "And there's going to be a lot of species after mama and us. Good and evil. Especially, evil." Lillian added.

A/N: Marayana Sheila Emily Bennett Salvatore aka Marayana Bennett (First named is pronounced Mara-yana .) Her middle named after Sheila and Emily of course. Marayana , I made up.

Lillian Sarah Abigail Bennett Salvatore aka Lillian Bennett is named women in Stefan's and Bonnie's families. I have to look it back up.

- Twin daughter biracial fraternal twins.

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