Chapter 29

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Damon refused to believe that it could be Stefan and Bonnie. No, that couldn't be true. It wasn't possible. That once again his little brother got what should have been destined for him. Damon picked up a very small, old priceless statue from the desk in the study and crushed it with his bare hands. He growled in anger as he desperately had to learn more about this so-called prophecy. He needed to see Nicholas Calista.

Stefan sat watching Bonnie, Shelia,Lillian, and Marayana walking and laughing outside the Germone's cave home. He sighed and knew that they had to stay safe until baby Marayana and baby Lillian were born. If Damon ever discovered any of prophecy, Marayana and Lillian,or even that Bonnie's pregnant.with.his children, it could end like Gail.

Stefan would be damned if he loses Bonnie or their daughters. He stood up and turned around, running into Germone standing there. "Germone." Stefan said, exhaling slowly. "I know you must go, Mr. Stefan. You need to protect them on that side in that world. And I will protect them on this side." The creature told him. Stefan looked back at Bonnie  continued to laugh with her grandmother and their daughters. He then turned back to Germone before nodding. "Tell them." He paused, before clearing the pain in his throat. "You know what to say." He said with worry. Germone nodded before he waved his hand over Stefan, sending him back.

Damon saw Nick sitting alone, with research, at a table in the back of the bar. He headed over and noticed that Nick was drinking a glass of scotch, no ice. Damon sat down in front of him with a look of frustration. "Elena's not pregnant." He said in a low but stern tone. "What?" Nick asked, surprised at the news. "Elena's not pregnant." Damon repeated. "Are you sure about that chosen one crap? That prophecy may have been a joke." He asked Nick, hoping he was wrong about what he was thinking.

Nick gave a nod before finishing his drink. "It's legit, Damon. I was sure that Elena would've been the one. I mean who else could it be?" He asked honestly while he glance at Damon. He watched a tick off look appear in his friend's blue eyes and it suddenly dawned on him. "No. No, way." Nick said in awe and disbelief. "Stefan? But he's not with anyone. You're the one with Elena." Nick said, reminding him. Damon sat back and shook his head slowly. "I may have Elena but Stefan has been with someone. He's dating Bonnie Bennett." He told Nick..

Nick sat up straight as his green eyes darted back and forth, trying to contemplate what his dear friend was trying to say. Damon glanced at him with an intense look, before sighing. "What's going on inside that studious brain of yours?" He asked Nick. "I'm going over the prophecy in my head again." Nick mumbled. "It said that a Salvatore will mate with the chosen one and be able to continue the generation line. That the first born will become very powerful and signal an end of all supernatural creatures not being able to mate together or at all. But your family consists of witches,humans,and vampires." Nick said to Damon more than himself.

He stared off before gasping at another thought he had. "What if the chosen one wasn't a doppelganger that was the chosen mating with a Salvatore but a witch?" Nick said with a look of surprise at the thought. "And that witch is a very powerful one from a long line of powerful witches. You said that Bonnie and Stefan are dating. Well, have they had sex?" He asked, causing Damon to shrug in an not caring way.

"How in the hell would I know? Besides, Stefan and I aren't on sharing terms. Especially since Elena and me told him that we're married." He said to Nick. "All I do know is my dear brother has been moping because Bonnie upped and left. So he doesn't even know where she is." He replied.

Nick locked and narrow his green eyes onto Damon's blue ones before acknowledging the question Damon was afraid to speak. "So, it never occurred to you to wonder why she left? Like the fact she could be pregnant and didn't want him to know?" He asked, causing his close, family friend to being to put it all together.

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